ehBeth wrote:the farting!
I thought that's what all the "sniff"-ing was about. That or the whole doggie greeting thing. Reminds me:

"What say we find another way to say hello?"
This one's good, too:

"I only sniffed his ass to be polite."
hey patiodog, hope you'll keep on posting, always good to read ya!
Hi PatioDog.... I'm so glad I got to meet you, in Seattle.... it was a fun evening with everyone..... I wish we had had more time to meet with our dogs, at MaryMoor park..... I'm sure there will be computers and internet access at Grad School..... Just tell your professors that we are all helping you with your thesis..... LOL..... Good luck with your studies.... Have fun.... hugs to you and Mrs. PatioDog....
Douglas Adams hasn't filed a copyright suit yet for the title of the thread, has he?
if Douglas Adams shows up here to lay claim to the thread title, i'm going to start going to church, and no one can stop me
Where there's a will there's a way big dog, so keep're one of the good guys for sure.....
Dude! Or should I say, Dawg...
Now I feel REALLY sorry that we never got a chance to talk at Tangletown last month. I sort of knew you were leaving, but now it's happening. Seattle will be the poorer, but Madison is a cool town, too. It was always on my list of places I might live, along with Eugene, Boulder, Berkeley. You'll love it!
[gasp] (Hiya, Walter, btw :wink: )
Lookie here!
Occurred to me that mr. dog may be busy tomorrow, on his last day, so here it is, a little early.
What ? no pd ? NO PD DID YOU SAY ?
But seriously, all the best to him for his new mission - and I am sure he will be back. Afterall how can he resist us, and me
Ah! All the best to you with grad school Patio! Make sure you come back and visit when you can.
(Have you bought your cheesehead yet? I think they make you put it on when you cross the border into WI! lol)
Heheh. You'll be back, PD. Heheh. Just wait'll the withdrawal symptoms start. Heheh. Those DTs are hell, hell I tell you. Once you're hooked on A2K, there's no going back. I can se you now, sneaking into the computer lab late at night to post a brief message, which then turns into a looong message which, in turn... well, never mind. It's too gruesome to contemplate.
But, seriously. Best of luck in grad school, Dawg.
PatioDog -- Oh no? Leaving??? Arggggh. Good luck with your ventures & veterinary work. I'm sure with your attitude you'll be good at it. (Good doggie, good doggie!) If you're ever in the neighborhood... scratch on the door.
I know you'll be busy, but maybe you'll come sniffing 'round a2k again. Hope so. Piffle
(By the way, I notice that Swimpy has been posting way more since I wrote the intro to this last week. Yee-haw! Hopefully something similar will happen with patiodog, and all this maudlin-ness will be for naught.)
One can hope, Soz!
And to think, I just invited him to my dinner party. Hmph. Oh well, I do hope he will find a way to check in here as often as possible. I will certainly miss him.
If P-Dog sets up veterinary shop in Toronto, Cavalaine's Master Austin will have to pay a visit. Our current vet already loves him to death, good patient that he is.
um, no time, training temp, back later. thanks all, whoever be here!
LOL! Training temp! Poor p-dog.
Good luck with grad school and the travelling to and fro. We'll miss you lots.
Gee. folks, how heart-warming. Anyway, I'm not going to be GONE gone -- which you may regret as my diminished time on line leads me to concentrate more on the outgassings (ya know, the ausfahrts) so's to squeeze it all in in a timely fashion.
And the thought of being away from the virtual Gautam -- oh, it hurts.
Trained my temp, will start with my permanent replacement in a couple of minutes. (If they only knew just how much of that furious typing was done right here...)
Well... maybe they're good a2k candidates?