Fresh cut and bruised basel. Wonderful aroma.
Fry up a diced onion. Course, then you're hungry.
Diced onion as incense?
My favorite incense is called Holy Cat.

It changes fragrance as its burns down: sort of a baking cookies smell, then flowers, then an indistinguishable oriental spice, then back to the cookies.
Uuhmm, cookies. Good.
Hey, that's pretty clever. Not sure about the cookies, though. This incense isn't made by the same corporate conglomerate that enslaves the Keebler(tm) elves or some such, is it?
Sauteed onions smell great, doncha think? Some cooks insist on frying one before cooking, even if they are only to be discarded.
They make me fart just smelling them cook
Please allow me to note that BillW introduced the subject of farting all by himself. No subject was further from my mind.
Well, maybe the gross per capita governmental expenditures of Tanzania were further from my mind, but not by much.
Just thinkin' 'bout aromas, and linkin' them to The Midwestern Experience and the kitchen references, there's a certain unforgettableness to a cookin' fire of buffalo chips ... cow chips'll do in a pinch, but there's nothin' like well cured buffalo chips.
and you test'm by

Turn'm over and you get some very fine mushrooms
Or some very bad ones.
Was told by a mycologist in the NW where to find the best ones around there, and it wasn't on dung. Don't remember quite where it was, though. Probably for the best, as thinking you know that sort of thing can lead to Very Bad Things.
Have you always been in Sydney, margo? For some reason I'd mentally placed you in the interior...
Beth - the chocolate and the milk incense are separate...
I never mentioned farting either.
dlowan wrote:I loved the smell of some Nepalese rope incense I found once. Very aromatic and light.
Now I'm intrigued! I must try to find some of this. And I know just where to look: a shop at the Pike Place Market, Tenzing Momo.
An excellent answer. Thank you.
Hi patiodog!!.... good to see you again... glad you had a safe trip... say 'hello' to mrs. patiodog... enjoy your classes... don't be too hard on the professors!!... LOL... hope your dogs are adjusting to the humidity...
Thankee, PaL. I'll try not to beat them up too much. Hi to the wee dogs...
doggies say 'woof' to you...
I think I'd be interested in a Genetics course... Genetic Engineering... that really fascinates me... let me know if you run into a professor, Dr. Keith Wood... he was there many years ago, working with Genetics...
D'artagnan wrote:...a shop at the Pike Place Market, Tenzing Momo.
The best shop in all the market!