Quote:Patiodog, on your way to Wisconsin, stop by the swamp and we'll have a glass of cold beer and maybe smoke some sort of black hashish with white opium swirls. I'll show you around the place and we'll hug and cry and talk about the good ol' days. See ya soon, buddy.
mmm, i do like a good marble cake, though i might have a word or two with whoever sold you that "white opium." looks suspiciously like bird-turd, though that may have curative properties all its own.
save a capybara for me.
Just think, I won't have pd around for our taste coney dinners for a while, sniff, sniff.............
Jesus drink with his hands?
They had GOBLETS, or CHALICES, or whatever, you know....
the question was whether something could fall out of something else that didn't exist, if i remember correctly. it was so long ago, and to go to that page and, you know, READ would be too taxing. but, thinking -- if the holy grail didn't exist, there would have been nothing to drink jesus's blood out of.......
oh, t'hell with it. i've got my mythology all jumbled up together in a great springy heap, and bits of one story are all crossed with other bits from others, as if the whole collected yearning and horror of mankind was nothing more than a bunch of old phone headset curly cords in a box in a damp corner of the garage where not even the spiders want to go.
PATIO! WOW! Most evocative.......
Careful, though, or you might get crucified, like Orpheus....or was he turned to stone, like Lot's wife?
he was a musician, so he was probably the stoned one, right? one thing's for sure, though; he lost his wun twue lub...
evocative? lady, i'm just not looking forward to cleaning out my garage.
Yes - ate six pomegranate seeds, didn't she? Dissed her real bad, that did! Wasn't she also the miss of sisyphus?
(oh, I love fractured myths and legends!)
nottaclue. whattaho, if she were.
i was once cast as orpheus for a production that never ran. and was an actor and musician with a group called (eptly) the sisyphus project.
so i s'pose i should know.
but i don't.
oh........she said sadly.....
And patiodog is the same age as my elder son. Man, I'm so flippin' old! But at least I'm not as old as dys.

<Hi, dys!)
(The Princess Bride, Persephone and Eurydice are dancing around like the three graces or is that muses or is that the same thing in my mind's eye...)
Re: TV/ A2K, I definitely find I get into either/ or modes -- I watch TV or I hang out on A2K. I tend to like the interactive mode of A2K more these days (and no, nobody tell me that if I want interactive I should audition for "Paradise Hotel.") My diet of American "culture" is heavy on the Clifford and DragonTales.
Hee hee Swimp!
Patiodog, if you're still out there, I'm gonna have to go in just a bit so Happy Trails! Tails? Trails!
Fifteen minutes left.
Man, I should remove these ticks more often.
Wooohooo! Must be a looong 15 minutes.
Are they the big fat grey ones? Or little ones?
Useta love to pop 'em with a match. You know, light 'em on fire. And yet, I didn't become a psychopath. Hmm.
I haven't encountered many ticks, actually. My previous sojourn in the Midwest was strictly confined to an urban area, and they're not such an issue where I've been. (A friend of mine did get one on his taint, though; that's not a happy thing to have happen.)
littlek -- nowhere near as long as the other three years.
Well then, good riddance.
Ticks suck! Burning them is STILL fun.
patiodog, I used to love your band The Syphillis Project...you guys rocked.