Mon 11 Jun, 2007 07:18 pm
"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [9/11 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country."
-- Arkansas Republican Party chairman Dennis Milligan
What we need is some serious ass kicking and then some hard slaps to knock some sense into these neo-theo-cons.
Joe(great balls of fire was not just a song, yah dope)Nation
Wishful thinking: "Gee, I wish a bunch of Americans would get slaughtered by terrorists, so the neocons can gain moral authority." Oh yez. Give us more cowboy logic.
It's stunning to me that someone like this is allowed out of the house without some kind of attendent.
Joe(No, lobbyists aren't attendents)Nation
You know, in another thread where the yammering brigade was having at me on the claim that we enjoy greater national security because the Shrub invaded Iraq, i used the elephant repellent analogy. I put my sure-fire elephant repellent in the back yard, no elephants--hey presto, it works ! ! ! I can't prove the claim, but it can only be disproven if an elephant shows up. So i pointed out that the claim about improved national security (never mind the brain-dead claim that invading Iraq makes it so) can never be proven, but only disproven. I said i wouldn't want to see a terrorist attack on American soil just to disprove the claim.
And then some sicko like this comes along . . . ya can't make this sh*t up folks, the wackos are already way ahead of us.
I saw that! (Daily Dose, right?) My jaw dropped. Wowee.
From the title I thought this was a Giuliani thread... Nevermind.
LT(Americans won't elect a guy with a lisp, will they ?)X
No big deal following Lieberman's call to nuke Iran.
And Tancredo's call to Nuke Mexico.
Tancredo! don't even get me started.....
Tancredo gives sleaze a whole new meaning. He once bragged about going to Arizona with a gun to help with the illegal aliens.
Besides, the guy represents Highlands Ranch, outside Denver, where you only have five color choices for painting your house and you are required to have a lawn, in a place with serious water problems.
Ask Roger about the time we were driving past Highlands Ranch and Dys kept saying, "Only five fuchking colors." And repeating it at least ten times. It led Roger to ask Dys just how many fuchking colors were allowed in Highlands Ranch.
Ah Diane, you live a charmed life.
Yes, sweet thing, I surely do.