Quote:frankapsia -- that's the major cause of the US problems in the world. How we are perceived not what we would like the world to believe.
Perception, or the lack of it, seems to have fueled the world since 9/11.
Al Qeada and Iraq regime shared many things in common but fundamentally the two were diametrically opposed.
Sadam lived the high life and flaunted his adoration of western ideals. Members of the terrorist organization openly deride everything non-muslim.
Western perception has the Middle East seething with unified hatred towards the USA, most are unaware of cultural differences, religious disparity and political systems which make up this vast region.
The United States was cruelly punished for it's part in creating, financing and training both groups. There is a lot of anger and most of it directed at the US (and allies on varying levels).
This war was fraudulently conceived and innuendo beat out reason.
Saddam was a despot and I can't say I'm unhappy he's been overthrown.
However there are many nations ruled in similar fashion, Congo, Liberia, Tibet, Myanmar, Palestine the list is endless...where's the outrage?
I fear the irreparable damage Bush et al have created.