And Van Gogh was very unstable and shot himself in the stomach to die days later. I love his work none the less, probably even more. I had the wonderful opportunity to see a VAn Gogh-Gauguin joint exhibit in Chicago in the Art Institute. The were at the "studio of the south" in ARles France, from May until November one year, when many of their famous works were painted. Van Gogh's brother paid for him a house to paint in. He asked Gauguin to come there, who left his wife and 5 kids to paint. The painted the summer (the fields, the sunflowers), then the tavern, the innkeeper. Then Gauguin started to talk about leavingt, which upset Van Gogh immensely. The more upset he became, the more Gauguin wanted to go, and he left. Van Gogh went in to a mental hospital after cutting off his ear on the night the Gauguin did not come back to the studio. Later he shot himself in the stomach, after he went out and set up his field easel, over the fields which some of you mention.....fields with crows. My first painting choice will be Heironymous Bosch, the one with the space ship looking structure in the middle and 300 or so figures around escapes me, but my second choice would be Van Gogh's SECOND starry night painting, in which he paints both the sun adn the moon, perhaps a reference to the interminably long days of a mental institution or .......who knows?? His mind worked only to paint. He wanted Gauguin to stay as it fueled his thoughts of color, line. It was a wonderful exhibit. Both artists wrote snide remarks about the other in letters to their friends, or family, adn the curator posted those on teh walls above the paintings. It gives me chills to think about it now... It was such a fantastic exhibit. They painted the same scenes and the paintings were actually hanging side by side............
zincwhite, That would have been a treat for anyone. All I can say is WOW! Thanks for sharing. c.i.
There we go! Thank you, Craven, and CI.
that sounds a fascinating exhibition zincwhite.
It is great to see work done side by side like that - almost like being there looking over their shoulders.
If anyone goes to Paris they should visit the Marmattan museum, which has letters from Monet, begging for money to tide him over, alongside wonderful paintings and a series of huge waterlilies that i prefer to those at the Orangerie.
Yes, I really wanted to see that exhibition.
The sozlet was small(er) and the lines were formidable, and I didn't go. I have a definite weakness when it comes to viewing art, in that I can't stand crowds. I want to stand there in peace for as long as I want without being jostled, glared at for taking up a prime viewing space too long, etc. My 6 months in London were nirvana in that respect -- I'd just go to the great museums and wander, without bother. My experience at the Louvre, by contrast, was irritating -- I remember the flock of tourists around the Mona Lisa more than the Mona Lisa itself.
Hmm I'd have a hard time picking which Dali. I'd like one of these:
I used to have "One second beforeawakening from a dream caused by a bee flying around a pomegranate" and "soft construction with boiled beans" prints over my bed.
I also really like the phantom cart
I better cut it out with the Dali already or I'll fill the thread and never finish. On to Rockwell.
Oh, i so want Munch's The Scream. No need to post an image, it's so cliché that y'all know it well.
I like this Parish:
But if i HAD to pick one I'd go for Garden of allah.
This is my favorite picasso (Quixote):
But i like the unfinished Paul as it is atypical of him:
I also want Mestiço by Cândino Portinari
This is prolly my favorite painting, also by my favorite artist:
This is a lousy pic but my favorite rockwell is runaway (and I love rockwell):
I also like:
But i want two Rockwells and this is #2:
I'm no fan of Van Gogh but i like starry night:
he he, i want this one too:
I also want John Howe's The White Tower
And i'm done for now.
Sorry to "hijack". But this thread had me going. I haven't appreciated art in a while.
This is a great thread. I have been searching hte web for the Van Gogh I saw, the "second starry night" (actual name unknown, my #2 choice), which he painted after he became ill. Alas, to no avail, but I found almost everything else he ever did it seems..
For a link to Vincent ;
Portal while looking for my favs I thought of christina's world as well. I forgot to add it.
it is to me, by far, the sexiest painting ever. And I have no idea why.
Ok so I have some ideas but...
Craven, We were fortunate enough to have visited Stockbridge in 1982 where we saw many of Rockwell's originals. We bought a copy of "Main Street at Christmas" which hangs in our family room. When I visited Atlanta in 1999, the High Museum of Art had a special showing of Rockwell paintings which I went to see. I'm also a big fan of Rockwell. c.i.
I love Rockwell's story telling ability and attention to detail. The back of the kid's head in "runaway" and the patronizing amused look of the adults is fantastic.