H2O_MAN wrote:A company needs to make a profit to stay in business.
Your local dealer is factory trained and will use the correct resin, carbon and underbedding plus stand behind the work.
"factory trained".... "correct resin" etc. is BS but.... I hear about many local dealers across the US saying they stand behind their work until they are called to do just that and then, there's all kinds of hell to get them to take any responsibility for the problem and redo anything
without MORE $$$$, or a lawsuit.
And yes, all businesses must pay the bills and make a profit but, the amount of profit per sale is the problem. Six to seven times what you pay for your glorified Kenmore softener is WAY TOO MUCH.
H2O_MAN wrote:If you choose to do it yourself you will be using non-factory spec media and if you make a mistake you are S.O.L. plus your total cost will rise quickly.
He can't screw up pouring gravel and resin into a tank (I include a funnel) and yet if he did, he can redo it with new resin and still save a 1/3rd to half of what his local Ecowater dealer is charging. And it won't take him but an hour to an hour and a half and he's done.
H2O_MAN wrote:If you don't support your local dealer, your local dealer may not be there the next time you need him and then you are really S.O.L.
That's laughable..., it seems Ecowater and Bill's local dealer has already lost his business due to overcharging for what they were asked about doing AND he was already their customer?
So for all the extra money he paid way back when, he gets screwed to rebuild his Ecowater softener and wants to be a DIYer.
Note who pushed him in that direction, and here you are with the 'company' line scaring him to stay with Ecowater's dealer instead.
I'll bet it doesn't work with Bill or many of all the other people that will read this in the next few months.
Any ideas as to why so many people are here reading this stuff? Hint, it isn't to find a local dealer.