Girl takes down elephant with 83-lb bow

Thu 7 Jun, 2007 08:02 am
Thanks, Phoenix. That still doesn't say, "And so people are allowed to hunt them."

I'm not saying that none of this is true, but that gunga isn't providing any evidence to support his claims, and what he points to -- the message board -- isn't a reliable source.

As of 2004, culling wasn't allowed:

Translocation, culling

Culling draws strong criticism from all quarters and is no longer extensively practiced. A moratorium on culling has been in place in South Africa since 1994.


Contraception seems to be the preferred method.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 04:40 am
You're going to volunteer to walk up to a herd of wild elephants and explain condoms to them??

I mean, if there was an easy way to do that, it would have been done with deer in this country, wouldn't it?

Ideally you'd like to move elephants from South Africa and places where there are too many of them to Kenya or some such other place, but there's no meaningful way to do that either.

I somehow had the impression people would find the story interesting since most men can't begin to pull an 80-lb bow, much less walk into a herd of elephants and shoot one of them with it and live to tell the tale; the idea of a young woman doing all of that struck me as interesting.

Other than that, BS doesn't fly on archerytalk and the chance of this story being fiction is about like the chance of hell freezing over tonight.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 05:10 am
I've been reading up on this site for the past couple a days, and all in all it seems a pretty good place to be. Saying that, I've now found this particular thread and now wished I hadn't.
What drives some people to even think about glorifying this sort of stuff?

Sorry, I know I don't know people on here yet, but please or offend, I just see all this cheering about gorish macho stuff as some sort of substitute for something else that's lacking in their lives.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 05:23 am
The PSE website only shows 50, 60 and 70 lbs as someone on archerytalk pointed out.
Its either a false claim or a custom bow.

Its her first kill. Nobody I know buys a custom bow as their first bow let alone one that will pull 83. If thats true then she's too strong for her first bow. (Target shooting? possibly)

Gunga you are right I would struggle with 83, let alone holding for 60 seconds or whatever she said, but she looks strong.

I see blood on both sides of the kill, on the right shoulder (closest to ground) and left leg joint (perhaps thats not blood). But I wouldn't have expected that.

Gutsy effort if its real.

I have no problem with population reduction where animals are eating themselves out of house and home. Much like roo shooting here which the whole world seems to get cut up about but cant seem to get their head around the fact that there are millions and millions of the bloody things.

Elephants are very destructive when eating, often pushing trees over to get food creating
We have created environments that are fragmented and do not allow for migration to new food sources. Relocation is a very expensive exercise and upsets herd dynamics however allowing overpopulation to continue unchecked causes suffering but does provide for natural selection to "do its thing" as part of the evolutionary process.

Have to dash but you get the picture I'm sure.
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Green Witch
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 05:28 am
Welcome Doowop. Meeting Gungasnake and assuming is he is a good representative of A2Kers is like meeting a deranged, crackhead on the NY city subway and assuming he is a good example of all New Yorkers. I hope you will stick around and meet the rest of the A2K regulars, most of whom are intelligent and fun.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 06:25 am
Heh! I guessed as much, from the "Questions For Which Evolutionists Have No Answers" thread that he (or she, but I assume he) started. The responses there were quite amusing.
Maybe gungasnake should've put him/herself forward as a prime example that there is no such thing as evolution, eh? That would've been much harder to disprove.

Thanks for the welcome, green witch. This forum site is massive to say the least, but on the whole there's some good info here. Trouble is trying to find the time to read it all!
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 06:41 am
Dadpad, I have no problem with the culling aspect when it is absolutely necessary. Compared to the money that's wasted on war however, it would be a minute fraction of this expense to invest in proper equipment and personnel in order to relocate these magnificent creatures instead of killing them. They are highly intelligent and have a very close knit social structure. Imagine the stress and upset it causes them when one or more of their group suddenly gets killed.
The gloating aspect is totally wrong, as I've already mentioned. It is my belief that people who get their rocks off doing this sort of thing, are the sort of people who lack the intelligence or mentality to even begin to think what pain and upset they are causing. It's a case of "they're just animals, so it's OK".

As far as equating this girl's actions with bravery and courage, I could think of many other ways she could do this without having to kill something. Still, she's now a "star" within the realms of her ilk, and I'll bet there's many a beerbellied guy around the world who is extolling the virtues of her bravery whilst tapping away at the keyboard in the comfort and safety of his little spare room.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 07:12 am
nice to meet you Doowop.... you hang out with me.... I know where all the best places for intellectual discourse are located and I can scoot you right by them so we can get to the strip club quickly.....you do smoke dope, right?
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 08:10 am
"you do smoke dope, right?"

It has been known! :wink: I never inhaled though.
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 08:13 am
Doowop wrote:
"you do smoke dope, right?"

It has been known! :wink: I never inhaled though.

you should try it....
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 01:34 pm
dadpad wrote:
The PSE website only shows 50, 60 and 70 lbs as someone on archerytalk pointed out.
Its either a false claim or a custom bow. .

Custom bow. They can easily make stronger limbs for the bow, getting past that 30" draw length might be a problem since it might put the bow in danger of having the cams go over.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Jun, 2007 01:40 pm
Doowop wrote:
Heh! I guessed as much, from the "Questions For Which Evolutionists Have No Answers" thread....

Funny thing, I'm starting to think that most of the people on A2K are uneducable on that topic.

The question then becomes, how could an evolutionite have any sort of a problem with hunting?? Clearly the girl paid a visit to her local PSE representative who sold her one of PSE's heavier kinds of bows, the bow made the girl more fit than the elephant, and she survived and the elephant didn't, entirely in keeping with Chuck Darwin's main premise. Where's the problem in that from the point of view of the Darwinist??
0 Replies
Sat 9 Jun, 2007 08:04 pm
Doowop wrote:
I've been reading up on this site for the past couple a days, and all in all it seems a pretty good place to be. Saying that, I've now found this particular thread and now wished I hadn't.
What drives some people to even think about glorifying this sort of stuff?

Sorry, I know I don't know people on here yet, but please or offend, I just see all this cheering about gorish macho stuff as some sort of substitute for something else that's lacking in their lives.

Hello, Doowop.
A pleasure to meet you! Very Happy
You might have noticed that most of us weren't cheering?
0 Replies
Sun 10 Jun, 2007 11:21 am
msolga wrote:

You might have noticed that most of us weren't cheering?

You left out a word; what you probably meant to say was


You might have noticed that most of us losers weren't cheering?

The reaction on archerytalk and other forums on which winners have viewed the story has been substantially different.
0 Replies
Sun 10 Jun, 2007 10:02 pm
gungasnake wrote:
msolga wrote:

You might have noticed that most of us weren't cheering?

You left out a word; what you probably meant to say was .....

I said exactly what I meant to say, thanks!
0 Replies
Mon 11 Jun, 2007 05:57 am
Some commentary from FreeRepublic:


The legal limit if there is such a thing would be for MINIMUM poundage, which would probably be about 80.


You bambists get me sick....

for all your information, the areas that have the largest populations of elephants have legal hunting seasons for them. (and the reason for the large populations IS the legal hunting)

Areas like Kenya which have banned sport hunting have by their devaluation of the aminal caused the decimation of the once huge herds by poachers.

In places like South Africa that allows and charges a premium price for harvesting jumbo, has larged controlled herds and poachers are not tolerated as it takes the food out of the mouths of both the landowners and the government who make out like royalty on the huge fees charged. both have good reason to maintain the herds.

I have watched elephant hunts on the outdoor channel and VS. each one showed the aftermath of the hunt. 10's of local villagers rendering the carcass for their own larders. The people eat and the hunter brings home his legal trophy. It is a win, win situation.


Sport hunting is the only reason that there is still a single grizzly bear alive in the state of Alaska. If it weren't for the money it generates, the ranchers would have killed them off long ago.

The same thing is true in Africa. In places were hunting is allowed, if someone finds a leopard on their land they look out for it and even will let it cost them a cow or two because they know they'll get a bunch of cash from a rich while guy who wants to come shoot it. But in those areas where there is no hunting allowed, there is no incentive so he'll just shoot, shovel, and shut up. No more leopard. (and he'll kill all the cubs too instead of making sure they are OK for next season)

You really need to think of it as a conservation tool.



You have no clue as to the subject matter at hand, none whatsoever, and are spouting pure emotional non-thought-out ignorant crap.

I guarantee that the meat was harvested by those who truely needed and appreciated it. The local vilage will eat very well for some time.

Elephants, like deer, if left to populate unmanaged will soon overpopulate the lands ability to support them and they will either die a slow painful death of starvation or disease.

That is your idea of management?

Slow wasteful deaths are superior to proper management? Just so you can feel smug and righteous and superior?

If poachers are not stopped by conservationist paid for by hunting, the populations can and are decimated by poaching.

Hunting prevents all of these.

The best way to protect an endangered species is to hunt and kill them which raises the neccessary funds to manage and protect them.

You watched way too much Bambi as a child and think that all hunters are sucking out the eyeballs of their victims in a sexual frenzy of bloodlust, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

This story is the picture of conservation and all you can do is snivel about them enjoying the thrill of a successful hunt.

Get a clue and an education and go kill and eat something before you proclaim your expertise over the internet from your crampped and darkened efficiency.


As others have stated, many elephant herds in Africa are overpopulating their ranges and risk starvation if they're allowed to overgraze. Culling, which is what this young lady did, keeps the population in check and protects the herd as a whole. She did nothing illegal and probably paid a pretty penny for the license.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Jun, 2007 06:03 am
Oh yeah, I probably ought to mention the usual leftist/demoKKKrat solution to this kind of problem, i.e. the idea of releasing Canadian wolves into the south 48 to kill deer, and how well THAT works....




This is the control-freak solution to people and/or animals wanting to live outside of control-freak cities like NY or Baltimore. They don't have wolves big enough to attack elephants yet, but that's probably coming.
0 Replies
Mon 11 Jun, 2007 10:52 am
gungasnake wrote:
Doowop wrote:
Heh! I guessed as much, from the "Questions For Which Evolutionists Have No Answers" thread....
The question then becomes, how could an evolutionite have any sort of a problem with hunting??

This was supposed to be culling, wasn't it? If it was a case of necessary culling, and this young woman had killed such a magnificent animal purely because of her love and desire to keep the environment nicely balanced, surely she'd be looking a bit sad and mournful in the pic. That's if she would want the corpse photographed at all.

This so called "culling" facade is a very thin vineer, I suspect.

She probably gets off on wearing camouflage, reading various weapons magazines, whilst declaring to the world that she only does this to keep the world a beautiful place.
In reality, if her and her friends had a few AK47's between them, they would probably get great enjoyment in bringing down the whole herd, so that they could have something to brag about when they drop a beer in the bar.

Clearly the girl paid a visit to her local PSE representative who sold her one of PSE's heavier kinds of bows, the bow made the girl more fit than the elephant, and she survived and the elephant didn't, entirely in keeping with Chuck Darwin's main premise. Where's the problem in that from the point of view of the Darwinist??

Your premise that it was the bow that made her fitter is pretty laughable, gungasnake.

Don't you know that most, if not ALL hunters who gloat over and glorify this type of "achievement" have already developed very strong arms, especially the right one, by the time they are adults. :wink:
0 Replies
Mon 11 Jun, 2007 11:01 am
msolga wrote:
Doowop wrote:
I've been reading up on this site for the past couple a days, and all in all it seems a pretty good place to be. Saying that, I've now found this particular thread and now wished I hadn't.
What drives some people to even think about glorifying this sort of stuff?

Sorry, I know I don't know people on here yet, but please or offend, I just see all this cheering about gorish macho stuff as some sort of substitute for something else that's lacking in their lives.

Hello, Doowop.
A pleasure to meet you! Very Happy
You might have noticed that most of us weren't cheering?

Hi msolga, yes I'd sort of gathered that most people here were turned off by this thread. It's nice to know that these brave warriors make up only a small proportion of the human race, no matter how they try to promote it all and attempt to make it sound reasonable and civilised.

Nice to meet you too. Very Happy
0 Replies
ebrown p
Mon 11 Jun, 2007 11:25 am
gungasnake wrote:
You're going to volunteer to walk up to a herd of wild elephants and explain condoms to them??

Explaining condoms is just encouraging elephant immorality.

Obviously elephant abstinance education is the only workable solution.
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