Chai wrote: For instance, I never, never, never, EVER wear open toed shoes. Don't like how they look, on anyone let alone me. Kicky and I are alike in that feet are not attractive, and toes are....(shudder), I can't go on.
I learn this after I go barefoot in your house..
If someone were to nominate me, I would be shocked, embarrassed, maybe even mad.
But at the same time, I would do through with it as I have always wanted an entire closet full of new clothes.
80% of my clothes are work clothes.
Stained by bleach, pulled out of shape, and just dusty dirty cleaning clothes.
I have a hand full of skirts that I try to wear as every day clothes, but I find myself comfortable in those worn out work clothes to the point that I wear them even on the weekends.
I have a few nice pieces of clothes, but again.. never wear them unless it is something special.
I have not seen this show.. ?
but from what i have read, I can not say that I would like it.
Low rise jeans are the dumbest trend I have seen since those 10 sizes too big pants. They belong on teenagers and not adults.
They are not sexy.
They make a womans book look small and flat like a 10 year old boys.
I sware , some where behind this new trend, was a table of gay men who just got tired of seeing womens rear ends and decided to try to minimize them and make them look more appealing from behind.
These pants get rid of the natural curves and make women look like sticks.
They suck and I would never put a pair on my body
So if it is a requirement to 'wear the current style' on that show, my episode would never air..