Lady liberty is holding what book in her hand?

Joe Nation
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:26 pm
So these who profess to be Christians who persecute other against the perfect law of liberty are false to the heart of Christ and the one true God... They may spiritually be saved but their mind has resorted back to the law...

Rex: They can't be saved in any way, shape or form. They were as sure in their delusion of righteousness as you are at present in this pathetic display of arrogance. How dare you take the Statue of Liberty, the symbol this nation's open shores, and reduce it to a mere icon of religion??

This nation, founded as it was on the principle that NO law would be passed respecting the establishment of any religion, does not wrap itself in the vestments of any particular or peculiar belief in gods or goddesses or spaghetti monsters. That is the very essence of liberty and for you to attempt to restrain the Statue's meaning into some kind sprit-filled crap, I find offensive to the very core of this Republic. We were not founded One Nation under God, that was shoved in by rock-ribbed delusionists like yourself during the witchhunts for Communists of the 1950's.

Go lie down now and have a nap. Wake up refreshed and free of mushy thoughts about Gods and Statues.

Joe(Next he will be telling us that the Constitution is a prayer.)Nation
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:27 pm
ah I see Mr Red gave it up to Mary and she feels his anguish (as well as his vanity);
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:29 pm
Diest TKO wrote:
how delightful. 1 page when I went to sleep, 14 pages when i woke. Who needs coffee when you can read this stuff. REX you're my champion of idiots.

Not only did you post something contrived, you were proven wrong in record time, and with a fools stamina you have defended for 14 pages! With every post you bring my heart to appluase. Bravo.

I'm thinking that Real Life is losing his grip on the title of King Idiot or the S&R forum.

There you go again with your wimpy insults with no actual substance, and "proved me wrong"? Where????

No one has proved me wrong... Are you saying the statue has no religious significance? COMPLETE BULL....!

I won't sink to your level of insults because I can't stand the stink down there where you have made your not so humble abode.
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:32 pm
Apparently Dys you don't listen very well...

I worship no man or woman.

I also have a clear conscience which is more than I can say for you.

Sociopaths have no conscience.
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I Stereo
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:36 pm
Rex - I may be insulting you very openly. It may be low. But at least I'm not lying to people. By many peoples standards, you've gone much lower than my insults could take me.

You were proven wrong when...

1) She wasn't holding a book.
2) The Tablet clearly states what it is. (no abiguity)
3) Your assertions about the stues purpose was destroyed by the creator's own notes.
4) You assertions about the masons were disassembled.
5) The inscription on the satue was clearified, no religion there.

I could keep going, but I've made my point.

BTW, that whole "one nation under God" was added during the cold war as propaganda to separate ourselves from the russians. It's not actually supposed to be there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:39 pm
Back when I was studying anthropology I read an intersting study that someone did on Mexican shamans. They gave them and a control group of non-shamans seuqneces of pictures raning from undecipherably blurred to steadily sharper and sharper focussed. The shamans gave interpretations of what the picture was statistically significantly sooner, while it was still more blurred, than the control group. Their guess wasn't any more accurate as to what it actually was than the control group--it was just earlier in the sequence. They were more apt to try to create a pattern than the control group, to try to see a pattern in something where there was no intelligible pattern in other words. And the important point is that their guesses as to the pattern were wrong oftenb times. They were no better at seeing what was actually there. Now as an exampale of religious believers, it seems pretty apparent that the same process is at work in other believers. Rex in particular. They try to see a pattern in stuff that may have no pattern there. They will impose a pattern even if there is no pattern. In spite of evidence to the contrary, Rex does that with religion. He does it with the Statue of Liberty. He also seems to do it with dys. It's just not there, Rex.
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Joe Nation
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:53 pm
The most suscinct, yet kindest, post of all.

It's just not there, Rex.

Joe(that's all, folks)Nation
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 12:59 pm
Setanta wrote:
You're a sick f*ck, Rex.

Lil' Kay may not be perfect, but she's one of the nicest people at this site. She never peddles hatred here--but that's all that we ever get out of you. Every thread you start ends with your ranting and raving, quoting scripture which has nothing to do with the topic, and you going over the top with your self-serving commentaries, while you lash out at everyone around you.

You are good enough to sweep the dust from the path Lil' Kay treads, and you should be profoundly ashamed of yourself for making vicious remarks to someone who, unlike you, is a genuinely decent person.

Aw, shucks, thanks boss.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:08 pm
I Stereo wrote:
Rex - I may be insulting you very openly. It may be low. But at least I'm not lying to people. By many peoples standards, you've gone much lower than my insults could take me.

You were proven wrong when...

1) She wasn't holding a book.
2) The Tablet clearly states what it is. (no abiguity)
3) Your assertions about the stues purpose was destroyed by the creator's own notes.
4) You assertions about the masons were disassembled.
5) The inscription on the satue was clearified, no religion there.

I could keep going, but I've made my point.

BTW, that whole "one nation under God" was added during the cold war as propaganda to separate ourselves from the russians. It's not actually supposed to be there.

Tell that line to another atheist who likes hearing your own lies...



"The Sabine goddess Feronia had evidently a relation to Phooroneus, as the`Emancipator.' She was believed to be THE `GODDESS OF LIBERTY,' because at Terracina slaves were emancipated in her temple. . . . The Chaldee meaning of the name `Fernonia,' strikingly confirms this conclusion. Her contemplar divinity, who was worshipped along with her in a grove, was, like Ninus, a youthful divinity. He was regarded as the `youthful Jupiter'" (p.52). Alexander Hislop
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:14 pm
Atheists have no need to create straw men when priests (and fervent believers) create them in such abundance.
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:31 pm
Set, keep your poison I don't care what childish names you call me.

It may be time to start spamming your posts and see how you like it.

You come into my posts and ask people "Why are you talking to Rex?" This says to me, INFERIORITY COMPLEX!!!! Then when you don't get you way see how you are? Vicious and vindictive...

Pity, pity, pity, boo hoo hooooOOOOOooooOOOOooooo! My heart bleeds for you.

I couldn't at this point care any less.

She is either pagan or Christian and I prefer the latter. For the former would make her a God and the latter makes her an instrument of God.

So worship the whore if you want to... You worship YOURSELF as it is anyway. I prefer the idea that she is a reminder to never become like YOU!

You are in denial that you worship yourself so out the window goes all of your credibility... What should make me think you know anything other than your own egocentric dogma that you spew all over the place?

God forbid if the creator should get the slightest bit of glory...

Those who wear crowns NEVER desire worship... (cynical)
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:38 pm
That's the Christian spirit! Way to show love! You go, Rex!
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ebrown p
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:38 pm
You do know that the Statue of Liberty was made by the French?
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I Stereo
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:42 pm
Rex - You asked when you were proven wrong, I answered.

I can't be any more clear to you. The only step remaining is you admitting that you were wrong.

But I'm not holding my breath. Your house of cards is far to fragile.
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:44 pm
having seen "lady liberty" only by passing on the ferry , i'm not exactly sure what she is holding .
i believe she is holding "a piece of metal" in her (metal) hand" .
she surely is not holding a bible in her (metal) hand ; perhaps it's to represent something(bible , book , document ... ) but that imo is NOT the same as holding the actual article .
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 01:56 pm
RexRed wrote:
I Stereo wrote:
Rex - I may be insulting you very openly. It may be low. But at least I'm not lying to people. By many peoples standards, you've gone much lower than my insults could take me.

You were proven wrong when...

1) She wasn't holding a book.
2) The Tablet clearly states what it is. (no abiguity)
3) Your assertions about the stues purpose was destroyed by the creator's own notes.
4) You assertions about the masons were disassembled.
5) The inscription on the satue was clearified, no religion there.

I could keep going, but I've made my point.

BTW, that whole "one nation under God" was added during the cold war as propaganda to separate ourselves from the russians. It's not actually supposed to be there.

Tell that line to another atheist who likes hearing your own lies...



"The Sabine goddess Feronia had evidently a relation to Phooroneus, as the`Emancipator.' She was believed to be THE `GODDESS OF LIBERTY,' because at Terracina slaves were emancipated in her temple. . . . The Chaldee meaning of the name `Fernonia,' strikingly confirms this conclusion. Her contemplar divinity, who was worshipped along with her in a grove, was, like Ninus, a youthful divinity. He was regarded as the `youthful Jupiter'" (p.52). Alexander Hislop

It is nice of you to provide evidence against yourself. The ancient Egyptian statues were the primary inspiration for the Statue of Liberty. The author, Bartholdi, traveled twice to the delta of Nile to study the statues for his Statue of Liberty. As you well know (I hope) the Egyptians had polytheistic religion that had zilch to do with christianity. Goddess of Liberty was among many hundreds of other deities.

While that is all interesting, I've no idea why you brought it up, as it is simply more evidence against what you were hitherto attempting to state here, very clumsily so.
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 02:01 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
That's the Christian spirit! Way to show love! You go, Rex!

You don't apparently know the Christian spirit (one with a witch for a avatar). Liberty is not only for jerks and witches...

The "golden rule" does not state let peopel walk all over you and treat you like dirt. Apparently Set and Dys (and their self worshiping goons) think I can't hurl the insults back but I can and will without hesitation.

You can walk on my feet but don't try to walk on my face or you will learn quite quickly the "Christian spirit". I am not yours or anyone's punching bag. They started it and I will finish it I assure you at the lake of fire.

If you think that is the spirit then you might ask Jesus why he threw over the tables at the temple. DUH??? If he was being so loving, gentle and the "Christian" wimpy kind...

Also Jesus was kicked around so I wouldn't have to. He gave his life so I could live mine without fear. Can you show me a scripture where I need to put up with those who show no remorse for their wicked and lecherous deeds?

So go stick your pagan Roman cross somewhere else. I have a right to the very same "LIBERTY" that you have apparently soiled with Christian contempt.
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 02:07 pm
"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you." (Luke 6:27-31. NIV)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 02:07 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
RexRed wrote:
I Stereo wrote:
Rex - I may be insulting you very openly. It may be low. But at least I'm not lying to people. By many peoples standards, you've gone much lower than my insults could take me.

You were proven wrong when...

1) She wasn't holding a book.
2) The Tablet clearly states what it is. (no abiguity)
3) Your assertions about the stues purpose was destroyed by the creator's own notes.
4) You assertions about the masons were disassembled.
5) The inscription on the satue was clearified, no religion there.

I could keep going, but I've made my point.

BTW, that whole "one nation under God" was added during the cold war as propaganda to separate ourselves from the russians. It's not actually supposed to be there.

Tell that line to another atheist who likes hearing your own lies...



"The Sabine goddess Feronia had evidently a relation to Phooroneus, as the`Emancipator.' She was believed to be THE `GODDESS OF LIBERTY,' because at Terracina slaves were emancipated in her temple. . . . The Chaldee meaning of the name `Fernonia,' strikingly confirms this conclusion. Her contemplar divinity, who was worshipped along with her in a grove, was, like Ninus, a youthful divinity. He was regarded as the `youthful Jupiter'" (p.52). Alexander Hislop

It is nice of you to provide evidence against yourself. The ancient Egyptian statues were the primary inspiration for the Statue of Liberty. The author, Bartholdi, traveled twice to the delta of Nile to study the statues for his Statue of Liberty. As you well know (I hope) the Egyptians had polytheistic religion that had zilch to do with christianity. Goddess of Liberty was among many hundreds of other deities.

While that is all interesting, I've no idea why you brought it up, as it is simply more evidence against what you were hitherto attempting to state here, very clumsily so.

So I am proven wrong the statue is not religious and you are now saying it is religious...

You and your atheist idiots need to get together on your PROOF.

I stand behind that it is a Christian monument... It doesn't matter what a pagan the builder was. What matters is the moral majority and what it represents to THEM in America. How many go there to worship her as God????? And I as a part of that VAST majority of Christians in THIS country (the USA) say the tablet represents the new testament (written in the blood of Christ) and the torch represents the spirit of God...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 02:10 pm
Mr Red wrote:
I am not yours or anyone's punching bag.

Mr Red wrote:
Also Jesus was kicked around so I wouldn't have to
0 Replies

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