Wed 23 May, 2007 12:15 pm
Re: Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachm
In an online poll, which is entirely voluntary and in which a person must choose to participate, why would anyone vote "I don't know?"
because they don't? And because in order to view the results one must vote?
He has mace a few missteps?
Here I come.
Online polls mean nothing. This poll is no exception. Doesn't matter if 88% claimed Bush was a saint, it would still mean nothing. Being that it was an MSNBC poll, I would guess that you have a large percentage voting that lean democratic/liberal, which would explain the heavy voting that he deserves to be impeached. The same poll, if done on Fox News, would I bet be heavily skewered the other way.
So bottom line, at least for me, I say so what. Big deal. Just something else to make Bush opponents feel good about hating the guy.
It's drive-by ... and who knows how to create BS news out of nothing better than MSNBC.
Instead of impeaching him, they should send his ass to the front line until the war is over.
JPB wrote:He has mace a few missteps?

yeah you know, like trying to eat a pretzel and sit on a couch at the same time....
I know it won't ever happen (never ever), but it's sure fun to think about. It's amazing how the media spins the facts for political agendas on both sides.
Yes, Fox is worse than MSNBC.
There are times when I can't stand this country, but just the fact that I'm able to say that reminds me that it's better here than most places.
dylan said; "ya don't need a weatherman to know the wind blows".
and ya don't need msnbc to know bush blows...
He's a puppet. But unlike most puppets, he thinks he's the real deal. It's most amuzing when he attempts to field questions.
A few years back, Jenna Bush was at one of my band's gigs donw on sixth street (Maggie Mae's). She and a secret service man were cutting the rug.
AND ... The doctor who delivered my son also delivered the bush twins. Kinda creepy.
dude, ya really should consider moving to another part of town...
Re: Do you believe President Bush's actions justify impeachm
Not for the silly reason stated on THAT poll.
He and the Congress should be impeached for illegal use of our military once the war ended (which was when we stopped looking for WMD and replaced the Saddam regime).