Sat 19 Jul, 2003 01:00 pm
This one is a bit difficult, because although it's Africa, I want a more specific description of location/country and who these boys are. c.i.
They look a bit like the Masai of Kenya - but the pic is a bit small for these eyes.
margo, They are the Masai of Tanzania. They are young teenagers going through their ascent to manhood - where they put on white faces and spend a month or so outside their village. c.i.
I've loaded four photos of the Masai people of Tanzania at littlek's msn web site. Here's the first one. c.i.
The Masai people live in mud huts like this one, and it has no roof ventilaiton. Even in the summer time, they do their cooking inside these huts. The entrance is very small, and people must squeeze into the huts stooped. c.i.
Trying from another photo web site. c.i.
Thanks for all these interesting pictures, cicerone. You must have been about everywhere.
If the photo disappears, just right click to get the URL from Properties, highlight and post it to your Address. The picture will come up.