It's the Jews Stupid
Savage is allegedly a 'right wing' Jew and Soros is allegedly a leftist, both are Jewish, both have a voice, both have a platform, Savage's is talk radio and Soros speaks through various organizations, like and whatever else his money and influence buys. You won't hear any non-Jewish critics of Israel on the radio, television or on -- they have no voice, no platform, not in the mainstream media anyway. The networks have gotten to the point where when Israel and/or Middle Eastern affairs are discussed; the experts and analysts are introduced, and they may as well be referred to as Jew #1, Jew #2 and Jew #3. I can't tell you how sick it makes me when Fox News, the allegedly 'fair and balanced,' network introduces Charles Krauthammer and William Crystal to their viewers as if either could possibly offer an unbiased opinion when it comes to Israel and/or organized Jewry, both are in every sense of the word Jewish Supremacists.