Baldimo wrote:ebrown_p wrote:I am guessing that you are a Hillary fan then, Baldi?
Don't know at this point. Likely hood of supporting a Dem is low but you never know. I don't even know which Rep I like right now. Romney seems the best person but I also like the guy in your avatar because of his stance on immigration. I don't think Tom is going to get the nod but at least he is one of the few candidates that is pushing something of real essence when it comes to immigration. Lets hope the others pick up some of what he is saying with some real gusto.
I like Tom too... and I truly hope he either wins the Republican nomination (unlikely), or makes the Republican nominee cater to the rabid right (likely). But, Tom or no, the Democratic nominee will mostl likely be the next president.
Attacking Obama is the way to ensure that Hillary gets to the White House.
Personally, I don't like this idea. I prefer Edwards to Obama... but Edwards hasn't gotten much traction yet and it looks like it is either Obama or Hillary.