Tue 8 May, 2007 06:59 am
Have to include the pics, they're too great:
Well at least he didnt say Yo! Majesty!
I read an interesting account of the Queen's visit to Jamestown.
Pity the President could not live up to the dignity of that occasion.
Out of all the Presidents Prime Ministers and Heads of State the Queen has met over the last 50+ years, I wonder how she rates G W Bush?
Oh my!!!
IS he drinking again?
That and manhandling Merkel...that's rather disinhibited.
Mind's very funny.
Talk about her return look being the old cat's bum.
God, that look she gave him is a classic. I'm sorry, I know our president is a boob, but I still find it pretty funny.
He manhandled Merkel?
He gave her some neck/ shoulder massage that she did NOT appreciate a while back. (A year ago?) Really weird and inappropriate.
This guy really belongs at Jiffy Lube....
In general I'm against a hereditary Head of dont really know what you are going to get...and you cant get rid of him/her. But then you elected Mr Bush...I'm having a re-think.

Oh. My. God. If I hadn't seen that I would not have believed it. And his look when she throws off his hands.. like.. whoops!
Hi Bear! We came to this because the Supremes "decided" that we should have a "decider." Didn't you know that?
I loved the pics. Who can put thoughts in her head, though. Could be she thinks of him as an amiable doofus if it weren't for the Middle East mess he and Tony started.
By all accounts, he is an amicable doofus.
Sadly, doing the job of President has nothing to do with the qualifications necessary for getting the job of President.
FreeDuck wrote:
Oh. My. God. If I hadn't seen that I would not have believed it. And his look when she throws off his hands.. like.. whoops!
I know... that little golden retriever "oops" crease between his eyebrows... with a little mean fratboy "geez this chick is uptight" set to his mouth...
Well, Her Majesty did face Hitler's Blitz as a young teen, so dealing with a carbuncle of a man like Bush likely should be as much of a problem for the Queen as a short bout of stomach gas.
its embarrassing that he's "my guy," in the eyes of the world.
Just think, the Queen of England is a better man than George Bush.