Fri 4 May, 2007 07:31 pm
Sneezy, Sleazy, Grumpy and Dopey, had a debate. Anybody watch it? Which one was the more Reaganesque? Which one seemed to break with Bush without breaking with Bush? Any winners there?
Ron Paul actually answered the questions.
dyslexia wrote:Ron Paul actually answered the questions.
isn't he the guy who invented the fishin' magician
or was that ron popeil
djjd62 wrote:dyslexia wrote:Ron Paul actually answered the questions.
isn't he the guy who invented the fishin' magician
or was that ron popeil
yeppers, the one that roasts chickens and catches trout at the same time.
djjd62 wrote:dyslexia wrote:Ron Paul actually answered the questions.
isn't he the guy who invented the fishin' magician
or was that ron popeil
ron paul?
one hell of an electric guitar player.
The poll chopped off Dopey. Guess you Dopey fans can write him in.
I watched (some but not all). I probably personally liked Ron Paul the best. He's way too crazy to elect, but I like his consistency.
Romney seemed to win it on style, but I dunno if that will translate to votes. He's too slick and too Mormon and too flip-floppy.
By the way by consistency I don't mean "has always thought and said the same things;" I think there's room for opinions to evolve. I mean that he doesn't twist himself up in a pretzel being for this but against that -- he's consistently libertarian across many different positions.
Nothing wrong with changing your mind, if it's to the good. I can't see holding someone responsible for past statements if the candidate now repudiates them for something better. But, better not give the impression of opportunism.
sozobe wrote:I probably personally liked Ron Paul the best. He's way too crazy to elect, but I like his consistency.
Too crazy, or just crazy enough?

(closest emoticon to crazy)
Perhaps we need to start going with the candidates that seem a little more out there. It's obvious that the current paradigm for selecting our leaders has failed us: we've had mediocre to crappy presidents for far too long.
edgarblythe wrote:The poll chopped off Dopey. Guess you Dopey fans can write him in.
Dopey can't run again due to the 22nd amendment.
Mitt Romney ran against Ted Kennedy for senator from MA in the 90s. He ran again for governor of MA in this millennium. Both times, to get elected in a relatively liberal state, he repeated many times that he was for those positions he now says he never supported. As soon as he was elected governor (and a generally ineffective one he was), he started eyeing the Republican nomination for president, and miracle of miracles at the same time he discovered he'd changed his mind on those positions he'd long held on abortion, stem cell research, and gun control.
The man will say anything, absolutely anything, to get elected. He will take any position he thinks you support. I'm not sure you can even call it flip-flopping. Pandering comes closer.