Is 'liking children' wrong, if you don't harm kids?

Tue 1 May, 2007 08:42 pm
dlowan wrote:
You are the one making the extreme claim, CJ, and you have given NO data of ANY kind to support it.

My claim is certainly not extreme, you being a child therapist for abused children should know that.

I have not, btw asserted that habitual paedophiles can be rehabilitated.

I have simply questioned your absolutist claim that this can NEVER occur, and have asked you for evidence. My view was, and still is, that I do not know...but I doubt any such absolutist claim about people such as you have repeatedly made here.

Right, my claim is supported solely by books and documentation. I don't know any pedophiles or sex offenders personally.

1. The claim you are making that I am disputing is that anyone who ever has a fantasy about a child will abuse a child sooner or later.

No one took your right away not to dispute it. Again, statistics in child abuse are extremely high, no point in denying this.

Though, come to think of it, your utterly unsubstantiated claim that impulse ALWAYS leads to action would, I suppose, make your confusion here understandable, since you claim them to be one and the same.

Right. There is no impulse alone, one is either a pedophile or is not,
and it will lead to actions whatever they might be. Pedophiles cannot
control their inclination. They love children and this will not change
with behavioral modifications.

I guess one can never know what the future holds, but here is a person who had a fantasy about abusing a child and who acted responsibly and got help to support his decision never to act upon such thoughts.
One example zaps you, btw, since your claim is so absolutist....though you can, of course, choose to doubt my example...shrugs.....

Why should I doubt your example? Yet, since you and I don't know what
the future holds for this young man, you could be very wrong, and the
next time he could be in less control of his sexual urges.

I am interested, CJ...you seem amost proud that you know nobody who would have such feelings, or at least who would tell you about them.

Oy, dlowan, where does this come from? Statements like these tell a lot more about you than myself.

Why, especially, would you be pleased that people would not tell you of such feelings, if I am correct about this?

Again, pure emotional interpretation from your side. Nothing pleases
me concerning this subject matter either pro or con, nor would I be proud of either knowing or not knowing a pedophile. Nothing to this extend was even remotely mentioned by me. You are almost bordering on character assassination.

It comes back, for me, to utter puzzlement about feeling good about having no compassion for people with awful impulses.

Even repeating such nonsense three times, does not make it right.

Your stance I find not only puzzling, but actually almost dangerous, when it is, as I think it to be, shared by so many.

Frankly, I am even more puzzled about your accusations of me being
dangerous. You claim to be the therapist. You certainly have violated
just about every stance there is.

If someone is dealing with such desires, do you think it better that they are in a circle of people aware of, and able to assist with, them? That they feel able to ask for help if they feel about to act, or that they deal with the impulses alone and in secrecy? That they are able to seek help with behavioural and cognitive structures to minimize and deal with temptation, or that they are struggling in secrecy?

Sorry, I missed that part, where I insisted they deal with their "addiction"
alone and in secrecy, or are you again speculating what must be my
opinion? No one would dispute that pedophiles need help and assistance,
and you will not find a statement of mine that is contradictory.

The greatest friend of abuse, in my mind, is secrecy and shame.

I agree!
0 Replies
Tue 1 May, 2007 10:02 pm
Yep, that Deb is a grade A sweetheart. I can ill imagine where she finds room in her heart for all these victims.

I can not. CJ makes more sense to me. I don't think she needs to prove her assertion that he who thinks about kids will eventually act on said thoughts. Not at all.

I am a gambler by nature. I love poker. Obviously; every card game has an element of the "luck of the draw" so you can almost never be certain your decision will prove profitable. So instead of relying on what you know for sure; you learn the numbers. At first glance; like any good player, I knows how many starting hands are better than the one I'm holding, and what the odds are of someone holding one. Seconds after the first community cards are dealt; I know which hands are potentially better than mine, what the odds are someone's holding one, and weigh the potential rewards of the money in the pot, against my odds of winning it. The odds in poker are relatively easy to figure, once you learn how. I also know people. I've spent most of my life in sales... which is essentially separating buyers from liars, so I generally have a pretty good read on whether or not someone's play is reflective of what's actually in their hand. I am a novice poker player, but I love the game, because I love to gamble for money.

I don't, however, see any reason to gamble with children's lives. It matters little to me what the odds are of a sexual offender's recidivism. Nor do I much care what painful experiences led said offender to become one. My compassion can't match Deb's, because it is reserved for the victims of violent crime, not the perpetrators of same. I believe without reservation; that errors should be made on the side of protecting innocent children over gambling on the rehabilitation of sick adults.

I've known a couple men who were molested as kids, and more women than a rational mind wants to believe. Too often, these scars are deeper than any physical scars we get from our own reckless behavior as kids.

I understand and almost envy the idealism in people as compassionate as Deb, but I could never match it. The kids trump the sickos in the emotional micro… and their protection still trumps the sickos in the logical macro.

I think Dennis Miller offered appropriate advice for the potential sickos: "If you're having inappropriate thoughts about children and you think you're capable of following through on them, don't tell anyone. Just put a gun to your head and take one for the team."
0 Replies
Tue 1 May, 2007 10:24 pm
dlowan wrote:
. . .
As for examples that people can have the impulse and not act on it?


1. Son of friend.

Called his dad late one night, when he was babysitting his partner's toddler. Said he wanted his dad to come over, because he had become aware that he was having impulses to touch the child's penis and was becoming aroused by them. Was horrified and appalled (had not previously been alone with child).

When his dad came, he left dad to care for child, he was so distressed that he went to POLICE, and reported himself as a paedophile because he had had the impulse!

Sought therapy the next day, with partner's invovement, and safety boundaries immediately set up...partner was shocked, too, and chose to end relationship.

Now, this man is in another reationship, but has chosen never to involve himself with a woman who has young children...his partners and friends are aware of the issue, and clear bounaries are in place re contact with kids.

He maintains contact with therapist.


I guess one can never know what the future holds, but here is a person who had a fantasy about abusing a child and who acted responsibly and got help to support his decision never to act upon such thoughts.

One example zaps you, btw, since your claim is so absolutist....though you can, of course, choose to doubt my example...shrugs.....

2. Gay friend, abused as kid, left home at 12, on streets for years, supported himself by prostitution........

Made friends with gay guys in my circle, and found himself suddenly exposed to families with kids.

Sat down with a group of us, and said he was aware of sexual feelings towards the kids.....

Again, sought help, and there was a clear safety plan set up.

Parents in the group informed, with his consent, and people made decisions re socializing with him.

Safety plans set up, and friends and therapist monitor his actions.

I am interested, CJ...you seem amost proud that you know nobody who would have such feelings, or at least who would tell you about them.

Am I correct? If so why?

Why, especially, would you be pleased that people would not tell you of such feelings, if I am correct about this?

It comes back, for me, to utter puzzlement about feeling good about having no compassion for people with awful impulses.

Your stance I find not only puzzling, but actually almost dangerous, when it is, as I think it to be, shared by so many.

The thing is, IF people have abusive impulses, it is helpful if they can face them and own them. Especially if their eroticisation of children is linked to their own abuse, or traumatic witnessing of the abuse of others.

Such utterly negative stances as yours, when they are the norm, make it very hard for people to do this at a stage when they have not become part of a self affirming abusive culture, since the shame inculcated makes it very hard to acknowledge and deal rationally with the impulses.

If someone is dealing with such desires, do you think it better that they are in a circle of people aware of, and able to assist with, them? That they feel able to ask for help if they feel about to act, or that they deal with the impulses alone and in secrecy? That they are able to seek help with behavioural and cognitive structures to minimize and deal with temptation, or that they are struggling in secrecy?

The greatest friend of abuse, in my mind, is secrecy and shame.
These examples are of very brave folks. The powers of our current day work overtime to discourage anyone from confessing such inclinations.

I think it is important to draw the line between those who ruminate on their impulses and those who would seek help. In the possibility that any who are now reading this thread might be wondering about themselves, I would urge you to seek help. And if you have already committed a criminal act, I would suggest you start by approaching a lawyer who could direct you in selecting a therapist. It might be best to consult the lawyer first, in any case.
0 Replies
Tue 1 May, 2007 10:53 pm
CalamityJane wrote:
dlowan wrote:
You are the one making the extreme claim, CJ, and you have given NO data of ANY kind to support it.

My claim is certainly not extreme, you being a child therapist for abused children should know that.

I have not, btw asserted that habitual paedophiles can be rehabilitated.

I have simply questioned your absolutist claim that this can NEVER occur, and have asked you for evidence. My view was, and still is, that I do not know...but I doubt any such absolutist claim about people such as you have repeatedly made here.

Right, my claim is supported solely by books and documentation. I don't know any pedophiles or sex offenders personally.

1. The claim you are making that I am disputing is that anyone who ever has a fantasy about a child will abuse a child sooner or later.

No one took your right away not to dispute it. Again, statistics in child abuse are extremely high, no point in denying this.

Though, come to think of it, your utterly unsubstantiated claim that impulse ALWAYS leads to action would, I suppose, make your confusion here understandable, since you claim them to be one and the same.

Right. There is no impulse alone, one is either a pedophile or is not,
and it will lead to actions whatever they might be. Pedophiles cannot
control their inclination. They love children and this will not change
with behavioral modifications.

I guess one can never know what the future holds, but here is a person who had a fantasy about abusing a child and who acted responsibly and got help to support his decision never to act upon such thoughts.
One example zaps you, btw, since your claim is so absolutist....though you can, of course, choose to doubt my example...shrugs.....

Why should I doubt your example? Yet, since you and I don't know what
the future holds for this young man, you could be very wrong, and the
next time he could be in less control of his sexual urges.

I am interested, CJ...you seem amost proud that you know nobody who would have such feelings, or at least who would tell you about them.

Oy, dlowan, where does this come from? Statements like these tell a lot more about you than myself.

Why, especially, would you be pleased that people would not tell you of such feelings, if I am correct about this?

Again, pure emotional interpretation from your side. Nothing pleases
me concerning this subject matter either pro or con, nor would I be proud of either knowing or not knowing a pedophile. Nothing to this extend was even remotely mentioned by me. You are almost bordering on character assassination.

It comes back, for me, to utter puzzlement about feeling good about having no compassion for people with awful impulses.

Even repeating such nonsense three times, does not make it right.

Your stance I find not only puzzling, but actually almost dangerous, when it is, as I think it to be, shared by so many.

Frankly, I am even more puzzled about your accusations of me being
dangerous. You claim to be the therapist. You certainly have violated
just about every stance there is.

If someone is dealing with such desires, do you think it better that they are in a circle of people aware of, and able to assist with, them? That they feel able to ask for help if they feel about to act, or that they deal with the impulses alone and in secrecy? That they are able to seek help with behavioural and cognitive structures to minimize and deal with temptation, or that they are struggling in secrecy?

Sorry, I missed that part, where I insisted they deal with their "addiction"
alone and in secrecy, or are you again speculating what must be my
opinion? No one would dispute that pedophiles need help and assistance,
and you will not find a statement of mine that is contradictory.

The greatest friend of abuse, in my mind, is secrecy and shame.

I agree!

Your claim, as I named it here:

"1. The claim you are making that I am disputing is that anyone who ever has a fantasy about a child will abuse a child sooner or later"

IS extreme. As I as a therapist for abused children, and children who have problem sexual behaviours, can affirm.

Oddly, you even seem to deny it yourself at one point:

" I think that someone who has sexual fantasies about children has a choice to suppress such feelings/fantasies and enter a healthy relationship with an adult, regardless of the gender. "

I am really struggling with your jumping around.

Which is your actual position?

Here are the things you said that made me wonder if you saw it as some sort of virtue not to have compassion, and to wonder if you are proud of this, and proud that you believe someone would not tell you if they did have any such feelings:

CJ said.

I am a mother, Earl, forgiveness and compassion is not something I
extend to pedophiles, however, I do agree with you that they have
very little control over these feelings.

To be honest Earl, I don't know if I can show compassion towards the
person who confides pedophilic tendencies and hasn't acted on them (yet), resp. seeks help. Contrary to homosexuality, where one cannot help but follow his sexual orientation, I think that someone who has
sexual fantasies about children has a choice to suppress such feelings/fantasies and enter a healthy relationship with an adult, regardless of
the gender.

Even desires or fantasies of a sexual relationship with another adult is perfectly acceptable, however,
sexual desires towards children is in my book an abnormal thinking process that cannot be helped through therapy. Usually, sexual desires/fantasies about children will become intent, and statistics are unfortunately here to prove this. You cannot rehabilitate pedophiles,
and not the ones who have tendencies towards pedophilic actions.

Frankly dlowan, I personally don't know any person who confessed to me a sexual desire for children, and I am certain that the ones who do have desire towards children, keep their mouth shut! '

I have repeatedly asked you if my impressions of you proclaiming some sort of virtue because of your lack of compassion and a belief that people would not speak of such desires to you is correct.

You have not responded, except to attempt to insult me because I am asking your words reflect the reality they seem to.

If you are unable to feel compassion, or tolerate someone telling you they are struggling with such feelings, so be it. I am dumbfounded at seeming to feel pride about this.

Honestly, when I see people proclaiming such stuff it makes me wonder if they feel they have to make some display of being disgusted, or of being a good person and against such stuff.

Huh? That's the default position.....what good has it ever done re child abuse or solving the problem of sexual abusers.

For those of you (and I am still not sure whether this is true of CJ or not) who like to do chest thumping around this, as Occom Bill has just done:

Just what the hell good do you think you are doing?

Do you think that by proclaiming your disgust, and saying you can't understand anyone who does not react with simple scorn and horror, you are helping in some way?

The only thing that can help is finding out about abuse and abusers in a rational manner, so that we can use the information we get to protect kids and manage the abusers' behaviour.

What helps is making it possible for people to acknowledge and get assistance for abuse and abusive tendencies.

What helps is creating an atmosphere where kids can speak out without being hindered by the societal attitudes that make them too ashamed and scared to say anything.....

I don't expect people who have not had to think a great deal about these issues to have well worked out and useful positions....I can understand expressions of disgust etc...but to be PROUD of them, as though they are achieving something?

Well, whatever floats your boat.


I am not denying that many who have fantasies about kids go on to act on them.

What I AM disputing is CJ's claim that ALL people who have such fantasies abuse. You have not substantiated this claim at all.

If this is not your position (as your own words in one place suggest) say so.
0 Replies
Tue 1 May, 2007 10:55 pm
Yep, that Deb is a grade A sweetheart. I can ill imagine where she finds room in her heart for all these victims.

I can not. CJ makes more sense to me. I don't think she needs to prove her assertion that he who thinks about kids will eventually act on said thoughts. Not at all.

I am a gambler by nature. I love poker. Obviously; every card game has an element of the "luck of the draw" so you can almost never be certain your decision will prove profitable. So instead of relying on what you know for sure; you learn the numbers. At first glance; like any good player, I knows how many starting hands are better than the one I'm holding, and what the odds are of someone holding one. Seconds after the first community cards are dealt; I know which hands are potentially better than mine, what the odds are someone's holding one, and weigh the potential rewards of the money in the pot, against my odds of winning it. The odds in poker are relatively easy to figure, once you learn how. I also know people. I've spent most of my life in sales... which is essentially separating buyers from liars, so I generally have a pretty good read on whether or not someone's play is reflective of what's actually in their hand. I am a novice poker player, but I love the game, because I love to gamble for money.

I don't, however, see any reason to gamble with children's lives. It matters little to me what the odds are of a sexual offender's recidivism. Nor do I much care what painful experiences led said offender to become one. My compassion can't match Deb's, because it is reserved for the victims of violent crime, not the perpetrators of same. I believe without reservation; that errors should be made on the side of protecting innocent children over gambling on the rehabilitation of sick adults.

I've known a couple men who were molested as kids, and more women than a rational mind wants to believe. Too often, these scars are deeper than any physical scars we get from our own reckless behavior as kids.

I understand and almost envy the idealism in people as compassionate as Deb, but I could never match it. The kids trump the sickos in the emotional micro… and their protection still trumps the sickos in the logical macro.

I think Dennis Miller offered appropriate advice for the potential sickos: "If you're having inappropriate thoughts about children and you think you're capable of following through on them, don't tell anyone. Just put a gun to your head and take one for the team."

Have you really read anything I have written on this thread Bill?
0 Replies
Tue 1 May, 2007 11:02 pm
This and MANY others. Looking back, it looks like I was being sarcastic but I wasn't. CJ's last post wasn't up when I hit the reply button... and I got tied up doing other things. I really do admire your compassion and idealism, honest... I just don't share it.
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Tue 1 May, 2007 11:07 pm
neologist wrote:
dlowan wrote:
. . .
As for examples that people can have the impulse and not act on it?


1. Son of friend.

Called his dad late one night, when he was babysitting his partner's toddler. Said he wanted his dad to come over, because he had become aware that he was having impulses to touch the child's penis and was becoming aroused by them. Was horrified and appalled (had not previously been alone with child).

When his dad came, he left dad to care for child, he was so distressed that he went to POLICE, and reported himself as a paedophile because he had had the impulse!

Sought therapy the next day, with partner's invovement, and safety boundaries immediately set up...partner was shocked, too, and chose to end relationship.

Now, this man is in another reationship, but has chosen never to involve himself with a woman who has young children...his partners and friends are aware of the issue, and clear bounaries are in place re contact with kids.

He maintains contact with therapist.


I guess one can never know what the future holds, but here is a person who had a fantasy about abusing a child and who acted responsibly and got help to support his decision never to act upon such thoughts.

One example zaps you, btw, since your claim is so absolutist....though you can, of course, choose to doubt my example...shrugs.....

2. Gay friend, abused as kid, left home at 12, on streets for years, supported himself by prostitution........

Made friends with gay guys in my circle, and found himself suddenly exposed to families with kids.

Sat down with a group of us, and said he was aware of sexual feelings towards the kids.....

Again, sought help, and there was a clear safety plan set up.

Parents in the group informed, with his consent, and people made decisions re socializing with him.

Safety plans set up, and friends and therapist monitor his actions.

I am interested, CJ...you seem amost proud that you know nobody who would have such feelings, or at least who would tell you about them.

Am I correct? If so why?

Why, especially, would you be pleased that people would not tell you of such feelings, if I am correct about this?

It comes back, for me, to utter puzzlement about feeling good about having no compassion for people with awful impulses.

Your stance I find not only puzzling, but actually almost dangerous, when it is, as I think it to be, shared by so many.

The thing is, IF people have abusive impulses, it is helpful if they can face them and own them. Especially if their eroticisation of children is linked to their own abuse, or traumatic witnessing of the abuse of others.

Such utterly negative stances as yours, when they are the norm, make it very hard for people to do this at a stage when they have not become part of a self affirming abusive culture, since the shame inculcated makes it very hard to acknowledge and deal rationally with the impulses.

If someone is dealing with such desires, do you think it better that they are in a circle of people aware of, and able to assist with, them? That they feel able to ask for help if they feel about to act, or that they deal with the impulses alone and in secrecy? That they are able to seek help with behavioural and cognitive structures to minimize and deal with temptation, or that they are struggling in secrecy?

The greatest friend of abuse, in my mind, is secrecy and shame.
These examples are of very brave folks. The powers of our current day work overtime to discourage anyone from confessing such inclinations.

I think it is important to draw the line between those who ruminate on their impulses and those who would seek help. In the possibility that any who are now reading this thread might be wondering about themselves, I would urge you to seek help. And if you have already committed a criminal act, I would suggest you start by approaching a lawyer who could direct you in selecting a therapist. It might be best to consult the lawyer first, in any case.

That is exactly why I get so damned angry about the attitudes expressed by some on this thread.

It is so much safer if people feel they can raise their fears about themselves with others........this helps with making decisions (such as NEVER being around children unless closely supervised) that can make a difference.

I wonder what a person reading this, who is just acknowledging a problem, would feel if they read Bill's advice to just kill themselves, for example, and what effect it would have on their daring to disclose.

Actually, that particular piece of appalling advice means I am out of this thread........I will start saying what I think otherwise...and it also takes up energy that can be better used elsewhere.

To anyone reading this with a problem:

Ignore the Bills.....speak to a therapist, to trusted friends, to a telephone help line...whatever it takes ......not everyone will act with primitive anger, and you can get support.

The people I spoke of above WERE very brave, and everyone they chose to speak with has helped them to manage their problem safely.......as a large team.

Do not keep silence...you need to act now if you have fantasies about kids, especially if they are increasing.

And there ARE programs to work with offenders...in and out of prison. I don't know how effective they are, but they are surely worth a try.

But, the earlier you act the better...before you touch a kid. Not everyone is so primitive as to think you are a doomed monster.
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Wed 2 May, 2007 06:43 am
once again, thank you dlowan for being able to express much more precisely what I could not.

I always get a laugh when anyone says "I don't know anyone like that" about any type of behavior.

I only know what I read in books, I don't personally KNOW any...pedophiles, gays, drug addicts, people with HIV, swingers, exhibitionists....fill in the blank with any one of a million types of people.

Guess what anyone who has said or thought that.....you DO know someone like that.

No evidence has yet been presented to the statement that this population of people ALWAYS act on their desires, and obviously known will be. That's fine, because by this time any sensible person will see that this is obviously a false statement, and discredit.

It is true what you said dlowan about what necessarily cj has done, although she's in the same group, of speaking with this feeling of pride that they could never....again, fill in the blank...I'm not going to waste time going back to find the exact words.

Really, what does someone like this hope to gain EXCEPT perpetuating shame and secrecy?

The same with expressing disgust to somehow make a person feel above it all. Yeah, that helps.

I can recall several incidences in my life where I felt I was becoming close enough to someone, as in becoming friends, where I felt I wanted to share something of a personal nature. In some of these times, shortly before (sometimes within the same conversation) I suddenly get this message verbally from the person that, essentially "I could NEVER be friendly with someone who (whatever the behavior/feelings I was about to express was)"

Obviously, I didn't bring them into confidence, in some situations they remained friends, only they never knew that they were aquainted with, and actually LIKED, one of "those" people.

It's really not the issue here to be disgusted, I think that's generally a given. I also think it is a huge problem with someone with these desires eventually acting on them.

However, I know there are very few, if any absolutes in this world, as acting as if there just discredits a person.

question dlowan...adversion therapy as opposed to what is used in the UK and OZ...I may have missed this, sorry, but can you explain a little further what the therapy in your country involves.

please educate me.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 07:03 am
Chai wrote:

I can recall several incidences in my life where I felt I was becoming close enough to someone, as in becoming friends, where I felt I wanted to share something of a personal nature. In some of these times, shortly before (sometimes within the same conversation) I suddenly get this message verbally from the person that, essentially "I could NEVER be friendly with someone who (whatever the behavior/feelings I was about to express was)"

Obviously, I didn't bring them into confidence, in some situations they remained friends, only they never knew that they were aquainted with, and actually LIKED, one of "those" people..

(excellent points by the way)

But I just wanted to add on that I am one of 'those' people that get lumped into a huge, disgusting category of folks due to some things I have done in my life. And many.....MANY times I have had people say just the same thing to me.
The most common example ( not derailing the topic or anything)
Is homelessness.
People look at homeless people and start calling them all kinds of names.
Insults will go on for hours. The supremacy they exude is astounding.
Then ... they finish with... " God I could never even get that CLOSE to a homeless person"

All the while, I am less then 3 feet away.
I used to be one of those smelly homeless people.

So, since someone WAS something before, but they are not now, do they still deserve to be treated as ****?
Homelessness is NOT any where NEAR a pedophile.
Please dont hear that in my post.

My point is that NO ONE knows ANYONE 100%.
(I know of people who have, on their death bed, confessed to ME of hurting children, and no one around them knew they were doing it. )

there is no way in the world to prove that once an offender( or insert any kind of title here -drug addict- alcoholic- thief-) of ANY KIND, will always offend again.

Nor is there a way to prove that everyone will act on anything they feel.
Thats just crap.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 09:09 am
Going a little off track here, so feel free to comment or not....

Now, I will fully admit to having said things like "people like that should just be taken out and shot"

Sometimes I'm joking, and I hope by the context one would see I'm not serious, i.e. someone who paint their house orange and purple.

Other times, I've been serious, or serious about it at that moment.

Taking the example OCCOMBILL used about Dennis Miller saying that about pedophiles....Was Miller really serious about that, or did he say it because he knew his audience would applaude that statement. Further, did every person applaude because the agreed, or because it's normal to clap when the host of the program makes such a strong statement? Or, did they applaude because "everyone else was doing it"

Does anyone REALLY think a person described in other posts should literally pick up a gun and blow their brains out? Should they do it in a private room where they won't be found? Or in a public place? Should they tell their mother first "I'm going to kill myself because I...." Or, should they just leave a note, or not? What about their children, or spouse? Should they just give it up and leave their own child (who may not ever have been molested) or spouse that knew nothing of this without a parent or partner, livlihood, and with the stigma either of "Their family member commited suicide and no one knows why" or "Their family member commited suicide because they were a pervert"

Where do we draw the line of who should blow their brains out? Gays? People who have thought about sex with a large farm animal? Democrats? Republicans? Someone who cheats on their spouse and leaves that person devastated the rest of their lives?

Who get to decide who should take the bullet? Or who should be locked up forever?

I had a boyfriend long ago who confided in me about a dream he had where he was changing a babys diaper, and he woke up ejaculating. He was mortified. Did he have a dream where he found a baby sexually arousing. Yes. Did he act on it? No. That was close to 30 years ago, and today he's the father of 3 chidren. Has he ever molested any child? No.
Will he ever? Well....that I can't say, the world's a funny place, but I feel the utmost confidence that the chances this man sometime in the next 30 years will molest a child is about the same as him flying to the moon.

What if he had that dream twice?
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Wed 2 May, 2007 10:16 am
Chai wrote:
Who get to decide who should take the bullet? Or who should be locked up forever?

I think it's obvious - everyone here should be allowed one vote.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 11:19 am
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Wed 2 May, 2007 03:31 pm
Chai wrote:
Does anyone REALLY think a person described in other posts should literally pick up a gun and blow their brains out?
Yes. That's why I posted the thought. Same goes for people like the kid who just shot all those people at V-Tech. Pity it never occurred to him that he could have been the hero who saved them, simply by turning the gun on himself sooner. By all means, leave a note if it makes you feel better, or to relieve your family the wonderment. Something like: "I've come to the realization that I am a monster. I don't wish to be a monster so I am taking steps to protect innocent children from me..."

Chai wrote:
Who get to decide who should take the bullet? Or who should be locked up forever?
Per Dennis's suggestion, no one save the sick bastard himself need make a decision... a heroic decision at that.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 06:30 pm
I would be surprised if the number of folks who have had inappropriate sexual thoughts were not well into the majority. Once again, I say it is important to distinguish those who dwell on these impulses, perhaps reinforcing them with masturbation, and those who dismiss them.

If everyone having such thoughts took Mr. Miller's suggestion, we would have a precipitous decline in the world's population, perhaps losing even Mr. Miller himself. (It has been one of my observations over the years that those rattling the loudest sabers do so often to conceal their own shortcomings.)
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 06:50 pm
What about sick bastards that like to talk about women brushing their breasts against them in the workplace.

That makes me sick to my stomach, and no I'm not kidding.

Perhaps those people should take a bullet too.

Oh......but it's about the children. Well sometimes it's about some sick **** that makes you feel yucky about yourself for having certain body parts, regardless of your age.

oh, the adult can say something about it...well, in the breast example, I seem to remember expressing my distaste, and it was ignored or taken as a joke. In my eyes, I couldn't even go back to the thread about breasts because it was so pervo and ewwy feeling.

Bill, if your best friend that you've known since you were 6 blew his brains out, or your brother, sister, aunt, and it comes out that they did so because they had sexual thoughts about children, that you never knew about (for obvious reasons) would you say "well that's a good thing. There was nothing else to do about it.

neo is correct, if we all should kill ourselves for our thoughts, mankind would have been extinct long ago.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 06:56 pm
I think the whole attitude of "They are all just sick, they all deserve death" is just lazy redneck thinking. It's easy.

I would argue that the more difficult road of tolerance and understanding will, in fact, result in less children being abused.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 07:25 pm
Eorl wrote:
I think the whole attitude of "They are all just sick, they all deserve death" is just lazy redneck thinking. It's easy.

I would argue that the more difficult road of tolerance and understanding will, in fact, result in less children being abused.

To your first statement:

I would say that this is a reaction to being overloaded with so much of it out there, all around us. I know I personally get sick of kids asking for money on the street. I just walk on by, but I'd give money to a mentally ill person in a heartbeat. It's just a matter of degree after a while.

And your second:

You don't actually know that this is true, though, do you?
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 07:34 pm
Neo seems to have missed an important part of Dennis's sentiment before maligning him.
Dennis Miller (paraphrased according to Bill's memory) wrote:
capable of following through on them

Chai seems to have misplaced her mind altogether if she can't differentiate between inferentially offensive banter and heinous treatment of children.

Chai wrote:
Bill, if your best friend that you've known since you were 6 blew his brains out, or your brother, sister, aunt, and it comes out that they did so because they had sexual thoughts about children, that you never knew about (for obvious reasons) would you say "well that's a good thing. There was nothing else to do about it.
I doubt those would be my exact sentiments; but I'd be a damned sight less distraught about hearing that than hearing he was molesting his daughter.

Chai wrote:
neo is correct, if we all should kill ourselves for our thoughts, mankind would have been extinct long ago.
Neo may be correct in the land of straw men; but that's the only place anyone said anything resembling that sentiment. Odds are better than 50/50 a trip to the beach will give a man inappropriate thoughts… which means nothing unless he feels capable of acting on them. Get a hold of yourself.

Eorl wrote:
I think the whole attitude of "They are all just sick, they all deserve death" is just lazy redneck thinking. It's easy.

I would argue that the more difficult road of tolerance and understanding will, in fact, result in less children being abused.
I'd say your synopsis is even lazier, and your hypothesis is wrong.
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 07:39 pm

No, or I wouldn't have to argue it, would I?

It's quite possible that instant death for any peadophilic thought would reduce the number of children abused. Hope you enjoy that world.

Perhaps you have a more practical solution to offer?
0 Replies
Wed 2 May, 2007 08:02 pm
Eorl wrote:

No, or I wouldn't have to argue it, would I?

It's quite possible that instant death for any peadophilic thought would reduce the number of children abused. Hope you enjoy that world.

Perhaps you have a more practical solution to offer?
More fantastic thoughts over a suggestion that was never made.
0 Replies

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