Thu 26 Apr, 2007 11:37 am
Obama goes rude on Rudy
April 26, 2007
WASHINGTON -- Democratic presidential candidates on Wednesday rebuked Republican rival Rudy Giuliani for suggesting that the United States could face another major terrorist attack if a Democrat is elected in 2008.
Illinois Sen. Barack Obama said the former New York City mayor, who was in charge on Sept. 11, 2001, should not be making the terrorist threat into ''the punchline of another political attack.''
''Rudy Giuliani today has taken the politics of fear to a new low and I believe Americans are ready to reject those kind of politics,'' Obama said in a statement.
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton also joined in the criticism.
Giuliani's remark Tuesday echoed sentiments expressed by other Republicans in election time. The former mayor said if a Democrat is elected, ''it sounds to me like we're going on defense. We're going to wave the white flag there.''
But, he said, if a Republican wins, ''we will remain on offense'' trying to anticipate what the terrorists are going to do and ''trying to stop them before they do it.'
Chicago Sun Times
''Rudy Giuliani today has taken the politics of fear to a new low and I believe Americans are ready to reject those kind of politics,'' Obama said in a statement. "
Maybe, Mr. Obnama can explain how HE will be better able to defend the nation as a way to get back at statements from Rudy. Otherwise, he is saying nothing and crying like a baby!
Personally, I do not think the current group is doing the best job of defending the nation, consumed as they are with lining their pockets.
But that's the nature of politics I suppose.
Also, I think Rudy Giuliani is a dickhead, but, again, that is my personal opinion and I'm sure there are people who look at him and see a capable leader and a man who could defend this country in a proficient fashion.
I call those people "suckers."
Now I appear to be stuck so I will discontinue this rambling dialogue.
today I expect to hear from Rudy that he is a uniter, not a divider.
And that we are on the threshold of becoming a kinder, gentler nation.
And that the grown ups are ready to teach us to be moral.
compassionate conservatism;
Edit (Moderator): Graphic image converted to a link.
A dickhead in drag at that.
Rudy didn't say it in the first place, but never mind.
Does anyone really think Obama can get elected? Photo shoots with Al Sharpton, no record, self righteousness that virtual drips, and, oh yes, from the south side, a place that has so little do do with the rest of America that you have to experience it to believe it.
Once again the Democrats have blown it. Obama no chance, Hillary a shill, Biden with enough stupid sound bites to sink a ship, Edwards the epitomy of insincerity, Kucinich a troll, Richardson a Mexican.......
Also Gravel, a possible idiot, and Dodd, who has worse hair than Edwards.
Draft Pelosi.
"Richardson a Mexican..."
I know, right? I mean - the temerity!
paull wrote:Richardson a Mexican.......
fascinating. an new low for a2k right-wing bigots (but at least it's consistent)
Hey! What's wrong with us dickheads?
JLNobody wrote:Hey! What's wrong with us dickheads?
apparently gabachos dislike dickheads, or as we say 'greasers and beaners' what's it to you pachuco?
Es los Estados Unidos. Auqi hablamos INGLES!!!
Paull, a new low in discourse....yes, I think an African American could be elected...yes, a Mexican American...the two mentioned are so qualified to be president in comparison to the little person in the WH.
I wish all you people would stop hating freedom so much.
Victory is just around the damn corner.
We are making real progress. To leave now would only enbolden the enemy.