The abuses of 'The Holocaust'

Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2007 09:38 am
The abuses of 'The Holocaust'

Americans have made a fetish out of their version of the Holocaust, all in the interests of selling arms and protecting the oil supply (why do you think a Holocaust-themed movie wins a major Academy Award every year?). Of course, the flip side to the American abuse of the Holocaust is that the Zionists use the idea of 'never again' to justify the unspeakable horrors inflicted by the state terrorism of Israel on Palestinian civilians, all on the justification that the Palestinian resistance to such state terrorism represents the Palestinian desire to push the Jewish people 'into the sea' - when the Zionists are forced by their own stupidity to up camp and move to Oklahoma they will no doubt justify state terrorism against the local Indians on the basis that the Indians want to push the Jewish people 'into Texas' - and any actions, no matter how horrible, are justified by the necessity of avoiding another Holocaust. The Holocaust, which happened (the so-called 'revisionists' are the greatest friends the Zionists have as they keep the issue in everyone's consciousness, to the extent that the Zionists should erect a statue in Israel to their greatest friend, Ernst Zundel), and was very, very bad (but not uniquely bad), has been co-opted by American and Zionist propagandists to serve as the basis for the American use of Israel as its bully in the Middle East, and as the basis for the state terrorism of the Israelis against the Palestinians. We should stop talking about it until the Israelis get their moral house in order.
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Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2007 10:03 am
Re: The abuses of 'The Holocaust'
Zippo wrote:
The abuses of 'The Holocaust'

Americans have made a fetish out of their version of the Holocaust, all in the interests of selling arms and protecting the oil supply (why do you think a Holocaust-themed movie wins a major Academy Award every year?). Of course, the flip side to the American abuse of the Holocaust is that the Zionists use the idea of 'never again' to justify the unspeakable horrors inflicted by the state terrorism of Israel on Palestinian civilians,....

No other nation on Earth would tolerate the "palestinians" for fifteen seconds; as bad as Israelis treat them, all other arabs treat them worse which is still not as bad as they deserve. They've ruined at least two arab countries and mean to do the same to Israel.

The two really big mysteries of Judaism are the question of why they tolerate "palestinians" , and why any American Jew would ever vote for a demokkkrat. Last time that ever made sense even in theory would be around 1932.

Jews take note, when you vote for demokkkrats in today's world, this is what you are voting for.
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Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2007 10:26 am
Jews are no better or worse than any other group. To say that they have just always been persecuted for no reason is to ignore historical fact and to mendaciously claim that Jews are by definition always innocent. Don't believe me? Here's a history book, written by a Jew!!!!!

The Jewish Century (Hardcover)
by Yuri Slezkine
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Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2007 10:55 am
Zippo wrote:
Jews are no better or worse than any other group.....

That sort of differentiates them from "palestinians", doesn't it? I mean, "palestinians" are a lot worse than any other group of people which comes to mind easily.

At least in modern times. In ancient times you had amalekites, huns, vandals, sodomites..... You might could find some sort of a comparison to "palestinians" in some of that.
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