1. Hard water clogs your arteries, causes cancer.
>>Boy, I have never heard this one before. Are they confusing the cholesterol-like effects of hard water to pipes with the actual malady of the blood vessels. Uhm? I have heard that hard water can affect stones in the kidney, but I am not a health professional and would never make such a claim on a sales call.
2. You should Never chlorinate your water, EPA has stated chlorination , causes cancer. Doesn't the EPA mandate what can and cannot be used in our drinking water systems?
>>Chlorination has been used in the US for about 100 years as an effective disinfectant. I have not heard that chlorine causes those problems but disinfection by-products (DBP) have shown in studies that they are carcinogenic.
3. Iron Bacteria cannot be tested for in a laboratory. Smell is the only way to test.
>>Iron bacteria CAN be detected in labs, it's just that is not usually necessary. There are four primary types: Sphaertilus, Clonothrix, Crenothrix, Leptothrix. Due to them not being pathogenic, there should be no great concern and a sales rep should never present health issues without genuine and factual information, and preferably only after lab reports are presented by an independent source.
4. All "smelly" water is caused by Iron Bacteria.
>>Well, this all-inclusive statement should have raised red flags before he finished his sentence. There are numerous water issues that can stimulated one's nostrils in an unpleasant manner. Anyone ever hear of hydrogen sulfide?
5. Water filters in refrigerators make your water worse not better.
>>This can be true and untrue depending on the type of filter, the water quality entering the filter, and the age of the filter. Most fridge filters are carbon based. Carbon, when exhausted, can begin to unload and may cause water to decrease in quality. We recommend removing carbon filters on fridges fed by ROs not for quality issues but more for pressure and flow problems.
6. Hague doesn't have to rely on the hard sell. After I told him I was going to have to think about all this, !2 months same as cash....for today only!
>>""Hey, for you today only, my friend."" I can't blame the national brand for this and it may be just the individual hoping to close tonight and most of them, when the hear the old, "we want to think about it" routine, realize they're being told "no" without hearing "no".
This last minute special offer usually just turns people off , and even more so when you lose this option if you don't sign tonight.
7. Hague Quality Water supplies all the water purification for Coca Cola.
Attorney General of Pennsylvania looked into this and found this to be false.
8. Hague Quality Water provide purification systems for the local Children's Hospital, I haven't been able to confirm this in Ohio, but this seems to be a claim they make in several states and have been proven to be false.
>>It doesn't matter at this point. never present something to a customer that you can't prove, show, demonstrate, document, or give specific reference to.
Peacock is one of the largest Kinetico dealers and they are very reliable. They have an excellent staff and probably didn't give you a lot of smoke and mirrors in their presentation. I know a few of them personally. The MACH 2060 is an excellent model and will give decades of great service.
Whatever you do, you are making the right efforts to find the answers to you water issues.
Andy Christensen, CWS