The main problem Setanta is that the boy has never told the truth; therefore, there is no precedent to judge against.
Maybe we're too hard on him, then, Bill . . . if ya spend yer life makin' it up as ya go along, how would you have any conception of responsibility to the truth?
Good point, so let's start little, say - let him run his own small oil company and if he does good and tells the truth, we'll let him move up and away from that cocaine/AWOL/chickenhawk past -
What say?
By now, unfortunately, his ego is sufficiently inflated that you'd be obliged to tether him like a helium baloon.
Ahhhh - but for a little pin prick..........
Clearly, anyone who can dress up as a fighter pilot and land on an aircraft carrier right after a war has no shame. None. A vivid imagination, maybe, but no moral core...