Thu 12 Apr, 2007 04:55 pm
Maybe politics is not the right category for this message and maybe it is. Certainly, that classy lady from Missouri, Joan Lee, loved politics and was deeply committed to the civil discussion of the same.
Those of you who began your email career on abuzz knew her. She died yesterday, of cancer.
Yes, many of us are aware. There is another thread about her already, but I don't have a URL on it.
Joan Lee was admirable for many reasons, and I shall miss her.
"classy lady from Missouri, Joan Lee". A big hand for a little lady.
I haven't visited Buzzards lately so it was a surprise.
I am extremely saddened by this news.
Joan Lee was class personified.
kelt -- She was. I shed a couple of tears when I received the email from her daughter, announcing Joan's death.
i just got back online today from a pc disaster and was offline for the past nine days, hard drive corrupted files gone and i am reconstructing two years of work today and still have piles of work to do.
but the very first email i opened today was a notice upon the death of one of my favorite posters here and long ago on abuzz, joan e lee. she was about the kindest and most sweet person one ever would stumble upon on the net. to see that message from her family stare back in my face set me back in my chair and i will have to gather my thoughts on it.
you know when i opened my email box a while ago it had 337 messages and when i saw her name on the return i opened it first, thinking she was asking me where the heck i was......
damn sad, shockingly so. she was a great lady, a great spirit. i will miss her and remember her all my remaining life. say a little prayer for joan e lee, her likes do not pass our way often.
i was in her address book, that was all the honor i could desire.
Kuvie -- I felt being in her address book was an honor as well.