Sofia wrote:
I do not see why this statement evokes the accusation of Nazi.
I did not accuse Stiessd of being a Nazi. That is ridiculous.
I said Nazi ideology has seen the same attempts at rationalizing the prejudice and finding factual basis for the distorted conclusions.
Sofia wrote:I can understand people wanting to disagree with it, challenge it or argue about it--
That's all that is happening. Challenging it, discussing it and arguing about it.
Sofia wrote:
By all means, lets don't let the facts of what we've actually said get in the way of what we're talking about.

Sofia that was stupid. You know damn well that I'm not talking about the "facts" of what he said but rather the "facts" that he referenced.
Like I said, Hitler said many true things and many try to focus on that as well with the "was Hitler not right in saying.." as a methid to distract from the real issue of his prejudicial conslusions based upon those facts.
Brazil has jungle, such is fact. One can draw vastly different conclusions.
If one called Brazilians a bucnh of jungle bunnies and I took issue you'd probably race to the scene with "Is there not both jungle and bunnies in Brazil?"
Again, that would be a case of focusing on the factual element of a prejudice and ignoring that we are speaking fo prejudicial conclusion rather than the mere mention of geographical fact.
It's an insipid ploy.
If I say that Brazil has many jungles then the jungles in Brazil are the focus. If I use those jungles to try to stereotype Brazilians as primitive the fact that there are indeed jungles in Brazil is not the relevant issue.
Sofia wrote:This is why I show up when these types of situations occur. People are too busy trying to read between the lines that we may as well not talk. Just show up, we'll look at how your dressed, ask you what you dad does for a living, and we'll figure out for you what you're thinking.
This is pure bullshit and it's contradictory. Here you are showing up and doing the same. None of us have a crystal ball with insight into one's thoughts and your every opinion must be based on the behavior and opinions that you are able to view.
This defense can be used by anyone, to use the favorite punch bag anyone who calls Hitler prejudiced is " figuring out what he is thinking".
It's a foolish defence.
Sofia wrote:
You decry the statement that there are some tribes in Africa?
I'm not interested in taking this to that level of stupidity. I never questioned the existence of tribes. I noted that there are also tribes in America and you are making this argument tedious and indipid.
Sofia wrote:Do you decry the statistics of AIDS in Africa? But, you don't decry the statistics of AIDS in America?
Buy a point somewhere this gets stupider by the minute.
Sofia wrote:
How does circumstantial evidence propagate bigotry?
Because bigots use circumstantial evidence to support their bigotry and idiotic individuals drink it all up.
Using ccircumstantial evidence such as the higher crime rates of minorities bigots draw up lines of prejudice and then fools come along with the "but is not the crime rate higher for minorities?".
Sofia wrote:
It just seems like you want to muzzle certain facts, based on what group of people the facts are about.
It seems like you wnat to muzzle certain facts.
That is another insipid argument. I am discussing what I think about a crtain mentality and am trying to "muzzle" it no more than your defense of it is an attempt to "muzzle" the detractors. Cut out the silencing of speech bull crap. I ahve done no such thing and that silly argument can be applied to any circumstance in which someone disagrees.
Calling something bigoted is not "muzzling" it's an expression equal to the bigotry expressed and equal to the defense of the statement.
Your question is both stupid and unfair. Are you trying to "muzzle" those who find Steissd's mentality laden with prejudice?
Sofia wrote:Political Correctness puts their brain on automatic pilot--no more independant thought takes place.
The stupid PC argument again? The defence of bigotry with the old PC trick is a better example of brainlessness. I have not once taken issue with anyone for political correctness or the lack thereof. this is YOUR stupid attempt to rewrite my argument along your terms.
I am not talking in terms of PC or not PC you are trying to hijack the argument and paint it along those lines.
Sofia wrote:My complaint here was due to the Nazi reference. Thankfully, that was resolved. Then, Craven you cited my objection to the Nazi reference. Does that mean you agree with the Nazi reference?
Nazi references are loaded. Hellifino what Nazi reference you speak of.
My Nazi reference is in that even that vile of an ideology there are those who try to use circumstantial evidence to support prejudice. I think it's a relevant reference and it's inflammatory nature has to do with the infamous ideology.
See you are just "reading too much between the lines" and "figuring out what people are thinking" and complaining about a "poor choice of words" (quotes not verbatim). :-)
Sofia wrote:And, would you show me what the author said in that small post that is bigoted?
Words are not bigoted, people are. Get real, this is getting more and more stupid.
Sofia wrote:
I do see 'unPC words'
Yes yes, the old PC saw. It's transparanet but carry on.
Sofia wrote:
Should we erace all the threads that have negative opinions about the state of Africa? Where does the censure stop?
This has gotten too stupid. No threads have been erased because of this. Now you are just swinging widly. What you yourself are doing is censure, which is not censorship.
It has nothing to do with simple "negative opinions". I have many negative opinions about Africa. I am speaking of bigotry. You keep trying to hijack the argument and make it an issue of politocal corretness and "negative opinions".