neologist wrote:xingu wrote:Earlier
Real wrote:Jesus, in providing Himself as our example, prayed. And so doing showed us how to pray.
This is silly. I've heard this argument before and I can't believe anyone would buy it.
Are we to believe that God is so petty, so small-minded, that he will only accept prayers offered in a prescribed manner? He is not interested in what is in a persons heart but in the method they pray to him? He cannot hear a persons appeal unless it is given in a proper manner?
And what happens to that person who does not pray in the prescribed manner? Will God ignore the persons supplication? Send them to Hell for not know the proper way to pray?
This is another of those cheap and nonsensical answers Christians give to one of the great contradictions of the Bible. Jesus was not God (as in pagan religions) but a Jewish man who prayed to a Jewish God. It's that simple.
You are correct in saying that Jesus is not God. But, aside from Real's misconception about the relationship between Jesus and Jehovah, he is correct about the nature of prayer.
Not nearly as petty and cynical as you would have us believe.
In what we commonly call the Lord's Prayer, Jesus gave us a prescription about what are proper considerations for inclusion, namely:
God's name to be made holy
The kingdom (a real government, see Daniel 2:44)
Daily bread - and this includes our personal needs
Forgiveness of sins
A few things and as simple as that. Also, in other prayers, Jesus made it plain that we should pray for the welfare of others. He lambasted the hypocritical prayers and public displays of the religious leaders and made prayer a personal conversation between human and God. All that doesn't sound anything like what you have said.
And, you've also got the wrong idea about hell; but that's another topic.
I don't believe that prior to Jesus no one prayed for anyone else or that they prayed for themselves only.
To say that is to say no human cared for any other human except for themselves or family prior to Jesus. That's just not true. I might also point out that Christians today pray for themselves as much as the Jews did in Jeses' day.
How many Christians pray before a test in school, a winning lottery number, don't let a tornado hit my house, cure me, ya-da, ya-da, ya-da.
Nothing's changed, just the Gods.
Now as for the Lord's Prayer
"Give us this day our daily bread."
Feed me
"And forgive us our trespasses,"
There's no way in hell I can keep from sinning so if I ask you in a nice way you will forgive me, won't you? Of course we know your not going to forgive those who won't pray to you. Those people can go to Hell.
"And lead us not into temptation,"
Ya, don't have some sexy looking babe in a tight wrap come visit me. I just don't think I can handle it.
"But deliver us from evil."
Look after me buddy. I'm your No. 1 fan.
Yup, the Lord's Prayer is all about other people and has nothing to do with our selfish hides.