dagmaraka wrote:forward your daily logs to her!
You've done it with Style! Excellent timing, I bet that took wind out of the prick's sails.
Oh, but I am now being sorely tested. My supervisor, a nice lady, but she's excruciatingly subservient. I was snippy with her this morning because she won't stand up to him, she just does her mouse routine.
I did take the wind out of his sails, but you see, he is the master at retaliation. I gave my notice on a Tuesday, I worked on Wednesday, took the day off on Thursday. I found out the egomaniac took the department out to lunch on Thursday, and on that day he sent an email saying I had resigned. No one in my department has said a word to me about my leaving. Not a word.
Noddy24 wrote:Gala--
None are so blind...
How does that end? I've drawn a blank.
I'm going swimming, as I need some hydrotherapy.