hebba wrote:This stuff is almost nonexistent here.People stand at the crossings when the little man is red and stare at him until he turns green and then just walk blindly on!
Faith in the green man!Unbelievable.
I´m more for watching the traffic.When there´s no cars,I cross.I can always feel people tutting at me:"but the man is red."
That post from Denmark made me grin.
Its one of the few things I can
never get used to when I go to Germany. Except for in Berlin,
people wait at the red light.
They even look at you admonishingly if you start walking, already.
Nowadays I'm training myself to be polite and adapt, you know, cross-cultural and all, but I have to literally, physically stop myself - find myself putting a feet on the tarmac, retreating it: 'you're in Germany, nimh!'
<shakes head>
I saw the funniest thing in Amsterdam a while ago, near Central Station. Newspapers had been talking of how 'more should be done' - you know the thing - dont know if that had something to do with it. There was a flock of cops there, and they were stopping bicyclists. The cyclists would stop politely, wondering what in heavens name these cops could want to ask them about. Some check on something? Info on local traffic? What
could it be? Then you could suddenly see smoke coming from their ears as their expression froze in disbelief - the cop had just told them he was going to
fine them - for crossing through the red light!
Twas a funny scene, I stopped to watch it for a while. The utter bewilderment on the faces, at being stopped for such a thing -
fined for it! Had the world gone mad?