Terry wrote: Considering that you do not think it is possible for human intelligence to emerge without intervention by IOU, why do you think it is likely or even possible that your IOU could achieve intelligence billions of years earlier and without any of the natural selection forces that shaped life on earth?
"without any of the natural selection forces that shaped life on earth?"

Whereinhell did you ever get the idea I advocated that?
Unless I'm delusional, humans exist. Unless my interpretation of written research results is delusional, humans evolved about 200,000 years ago. Unless my interpretation of written research results is delusional, the common ancestor to mice and humans existed about 60 million years ago.
First I don't think it impossible without intervention [i.e., probability = zero]. I think it improbable [i.e., probability less than a moogolth = 10^(-1,000,000)] that UC+NS (i.e., Undirected Chance PLUS Natural Selection)caused humans to evolve within the last 60,000,000 years (or within the last 60 trillion years). I infer from that that the probability that DC+NS caused humans to evolve is greater than [1 - a moogoth].
DC+NS = Directed Chance PLUS Natural Selection = intelligent trial and error. I think it self-evident that one can more probably solve a problem within a given time by intelligent trial and error than one can do it by unintelligent trial and error. The Wrights employed intelligent trial and error. Had they employed unintelligent trial and error, probably someone else would have been the first to build and operate a powered aircraft capable of flight (in deed, their nearest competition was close behind).
Terry wrote: You have missed the point again re the probability of of a child with my unlikely combination of DNA having been born to my parents
I think you missed the point of my response. Yes, any human born today (within, say 9 months) will probably have a unigue genome (e.g., unique finger prints). But that clearly does not constitute an evolution of a new unique species, much less the evolution of humans from that species that was the common ancestor to mice and humans, within 60 million years.
Further, genome uniqueness was probably NOT A GOAL THAT HAD TO BE REACHED at your birth, but perhaps it was A GOAL THAT WAS WANTED, but I lack sufficient valid data to even warrant a guess about that (i.e., itbeatsthehelloutofme whether or not you were wanted).
However, IT DOES NOT beatsthehelloutofme whether or not humans were a goal that was wanted. PROBABLY (i.e., 1-a moogolth) HUMANS WERE A GOAL THAT WAS WANTED.
I don't know why you cannot or will not see this.

But maybe you actually can and do see this.