People used to ask me if I had met the Queen all the time, then we became independent and the questions mysteriously stopped...nowadays, if someone does ask, I say, sure, I have met lots of Queens, and direct them to the gay village.
ah no wonder i missed the queen, i tend to hang around Charring Cross
OaK, you should have told the plumpy you were from London, Ontario, that would have quieted her down a tad.
Cav === I was young and innocent in those days. My American Life Studies, I was still on the first chapter. Didn't graduate till I got to Dallas. Next Disneyland in LA, you know the place all the big kids go before starting their 2nd chilhood.
Dys = == Charing Cross huh. That place is renownd for it's 100s 0f book shops and other stuff and some different stuff & then stuff you don't talk about.
One time, these people who talked funny stopped me in the street and asked where Cheers was.
I was like "Cheers? CHEERS IS STUPID!! HAHA! AND YOU KNOW WHAT! YOU'RE STUPID!!! Welcome to Boston, have a nice day."
Then I walked away.
oldandknew wrote:
Dys = == Charing Cross huh. That place is renownd for it's 100s 0f book shops and other stuff and some different stuff & then stuff you don't talk about.
This sounds promising !! Can u pls elaborate ?
When I was younger I visited Boston and naively asked someone "Hey, where do you hide your Black people?" They sent me to Roxbury.
Cav, did you also visit beautiful Dorchester? Gorgeous this time of year.
Gautam, you been up and then down on Charing Cross Road surely or is not in your neck of the woods.
Next time you go that way, take a peek in the knooks and cranies.
Seek and ye shall find
nudge, nudge
When I had first hit the gay scene in London, I did go to a very dodgy pub on Charing Cross road !! And it was scary I have to admit !!
After that I see Charing Cross road from behind the window of my cab - on my way to soho ....
But you have aroused my curiosity !!! More details pls !!!!
Never been to Dorchester, Slappy, but I will put it on my list for my next visit. I can't bring an AK through customs, but I assume they won't be hard to purchase once I am there.
Too many funny people out there, I love the stories so far, hope we get more.
Famerman - drought ha ha ha, too funny
fbaezer - Count your lucky star he didn't reach for his toes
c.i. - whadaya mean there's no running water?????
garaj - yum!
littlek - 'round here we always refer to y'all as Americans, what gets our goat is when we are called the same, based on the theory we are all from north america.
As far as I know - the only ski hill open year round in Canada, is in the fabulous town of Whistler, B.C the new home of the 2010 Olympics. They ski on the Blackcomb glacier.
Farmer - do you remember the fuss a couple of years ago when a couple of Florida newspaper, upset with Canadians printed pictures of fat white Quebecois in tiny bits of spandex? he he
Cav - Love that list... It's Rabbie only by way of tortured toungue.
I've been trying to find the 'moonlict nict' poem, do you know of what I speak?
ceile, people allowed on the beach in my benevolent dictatorship will have to pass a few tests
1no spandex
no strings or accout can disappear into any folds or crenulations of skin (this includes "butt floss bathing suits")
3skin must be darker than the a2k writing filed
4 ahh... no spandex
See, down here in the lower 48 , we allow children on the beach , and often people bring FOOD.
How about horrible psoriasis farmerman? Do blotchy babes get the ban from the beach too, even if they are shapely?
psoriasis, Ive never actually seen this condition but, I can say without hesitation that just the sybbilant sound of psoriasis hissing snakelike (ran outa sss's) can weird one out.
Blotchy beautious babes. Thats another story. we can take them in and administer first aid. heeeh heeenh heeeennnhhh.
psoriasis is a bit like exczema, but harder to treat, so I should amend that statement to say "Blotchy flaky babes" hee hee...
Ceili - I was in Whistler! What a trip to see people come down off the mountain carrying thir snowboards and walking around in 80ยบ temps.
Ceili, We had hot and cold running water most of the time. When we were at a private camp in the Serengeti, some guys had to pour hot water into the tank for our shower - as we showered. They also poured hot water into canvas basins in the front of our tents for our use in the morning to wash our faces. That was really "roughing" it, but the other tented camps were all luxury types with running hot and cold water, tiled bathrooms and showers in our tents. Ernest never had it so good.

One of the funniests things I've ever seen, was a notice on coaches/busses:
Tour: Europe in 4 days.