Setanta wrote:Craven de Kere wrote:Apples and oranges IMO. Afghanistan was "retaliation". Iraq is supposed to be a "beacon" that will cause "a ripple effect". I hope there is more motivation to succeed in Iraq.
I hardly consider that to be to the point. Doctrinal statements mean nothing when it comes to "nation building," it is action, and action alone which can give any evidence of the probable success of such a venture. Afghanistan was promised "nation building"--and nothing has been accomplished. So far, feck-all has been accomplished in Iraq. It is a good thing that you hope for the best; it is not a reason to believe that the best will occur, however.
It was a simple point:
Afghanistan was a promise that some feel can more easily be forgotten, the US was seen by many as retaliating for 9/11.
In Iraq, without the WMDs it is being painted as a liberation. There are many who are interested in a positive result because they argued so stridently that it would give a positive result.
This is evident in that anything good that happens is supposed to be part of teh ripple effect. Take the roadmap, it's moving because Bush focused attention on it but it's painted by many (including some here) as a result of the war.
My point was not that Iraq's rebuilding is going so well so much as that the people who started the war have it in their interest for it to turn out well.
I am aware of our track record and how good intentions have been stated in the past, I'm just hoping. Hoping that the people who are now using the liberation of Iraq as the casus belli have the motivaton to see it through.
Since they spoke of a "beacon" and the "ripple effect" I hope they feel the need to put their money where their mouth is.
'Tis all. A hope.