Tue 13 Mar, 2007 05:41 pm
All our belles are virgins, didn't you know?
I wonder if they would object to a vaccine that prevents breast or prostate cancer. We are better at defeating those cancers too.
I applaud this action. The vaccine is too new to be experimenting on these young people. Wait until it has some kind of track record before mandating it. Also, if it does eventually become a requirement, start a program to make it cheap for the very poor.
It's been through clinical trials. Don't you trust the FDA?
This is about ideology, not about safety.
Gov. Rick Perry's executive order has inflamed conservatives who say it contradicts Texas' abstinence-only sexual education policies and intrudes into family lives. Some critics also have questioned whether the vaccine has been proven safe.
This is the correct decision. Anyone who is capable of making the decision to have sex is also capable of asking for the vaccine. So simple it's stupid.
So simple it's stupid certainly applies to your logic.
The vaccine is recommended for girls 11-12.
DrewDad wrote:So simple it's stupid certainly applies to your logic.
The vaccine is recommended for girls 11-12.
Anyone who would test it on 11-12 year olds.... oh, never mind.
The FDA quite often approves drugs I wouldn't allow my family to use.