It was a great spring day to take the dogs for a walk down in the brickworks - just slightly rainy/misty - enough to curl hair and make the dogs smell like, well, wet dogs
Now the dogs have had their bowls of homemade chicken/pork/carrot soup with 10 large dental kibble counted in with the shredded chicken/duck/carrots, and I'm finishing today's clicking.
aktbird57 - You and your 300 friends have supported 2,718,017.1 square feet!
Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 155,853.9 square feet.
You have supported: (0.0)
Your 300 friends have supported: (155,853.9)
American Prairie habitat supported: 59,483.0 square feet.
You have supported: (14,210.3)
Your 300 friends have supported: (45,272.8)
Rainforest habitat supported: 2,502,680.2 square feet.
You have supported: (178,611.1)
Your 300 friends have supported: (2,324,069.1)
Last night, went for a longish walk with E on our way to meet brendalee for a meal at the Noodle Bowl. Then brendalee and I went to a great concert at Trinity-St. Paul's (local church with phenomenal acoustics).
E and brendalee got on well, which is great, as the three of us will be travelling to New York together in June. Lots of laughs around the soup bowls last night.
1 Aktbird57 .. 62.376 acres
2 37.966 acres
the concert was interesting
Quote:Piper in the Pantry
with the Chris Norman Ensemble and David Greenberg, violin
March 23 & 24, 2007
As our guest ensemble this year, we are proud to present Chris Norman, maritime Canada's virtuoso flute player and piper, as he leads an ensemble of guitars, harmonium, bass, percussion and vocals, with guest fiddler David Greenberg, in a celebration of the complementary arts of food, cooking and music. Starting with a flagon of ale to awaken the palate, the CNE takes a peek behind the cupboard doors of early English, Irish and Scots musical traditions, with a "Surf & Turf" main course, topped off by dessert of puddings and pies. As a special feature, you will be able to sample some of the traditional food and drink at intermission!
picked up a small pile of cd's

I always try to bring along some $20's to buy music directly from the artists at concerts like this - they end up with more of the money than if I'd bought the same cd at a chain store