I think the only thing keeping the "Dub" out of jail is his father. When Papa goes, the Bush Dynasty will more than likely fall apart. And, good riddence.
during the Medicare scandal little brother JEB was declared by the ((Federal Investigators)) as being to stupid to prosecute. They stood by and allowed the partner of JEB to escape the country. Shame...... But, JEB kept millions of our tax dollars and no one seems to really give a ****.
Then there was Neil of the Silverado Savings and Loan scandal - two billion out of taxpayers pockets and Neil still managed to keep two hundred and fifty million of our tax dollars and nothing happened to him - - - really dumb of us.
Then, there is the brother of our current president that no one seems to know about - Marvin. He is a mystery. I wonder why?? Papa has something up his dead sleeve after he passes on.
I know, I'm jaded in my old age......
Thanks for the great reports, Walter - and re. your ashtray, Andrew....
You have already seen a photo of my Patti's Sacher ashtray - Yes, Walter, our Wien friends call her my Clepto....
I'm getting together some photos of my Mom.