Mon 5 Mar, 2007 03:42 pm
Ok, I have been thinking of starting this thread for a long time. Pretty much as long as I have been a member of A2K and had a father. So here it goes:
Currently my dad is up the loft. He is swearing and shouting because he is trying to make a model train run all the way around the attic, and is having problems with the wiring. Don't get me wrong, he can be a nice person, but right now I don't care because he just stormed into my room and said flat out 'Ah!!!! I wish I had a son, and then maybe I might get some help around this place!' This made me pretty cross, because I had no idea he even wanted help, and so I replied saying that maybe if he'd asked me nicely, then I would have helped and that he needn't have got so cross.
Anyway, this isn't what this thread is about, because I know he doesn't mean all the stuff he says, and he always apologises afterwards, but I don't really want an apology, I just want him to stop being such a miserable git and having a go at everyone all the time.
My dad has plenty of reasons to be an old git, he is over 60, and has had quite a hard working life as an engineer, until he almost went bankrupt a couple of years ago, and now has a job he hates, working in a factory as a handyman.
As I grew up all I ever heard was how bad his business was doing, and no doubt there were bad times, but there were good times too and I never get to hear about those. I wont tell you what product my dad made, as it would be pretty easy for you to then find out who I am, because in certain circles, his product was very very famous, his label is (or was) considered the 'Rolls Royce' of the product's world. Far superior to all other makes. I have even been witness to people calling him god, or asking if they could touch his arm. No joke. Yet still he always focuses on the bad things, only ever tells me really depressing stories of apprentices who stole out of his tool box, or when he and my mum had to spend years getting up at 6 and working to 11. And of course when the americans and Taiwanese put him out of business.
My mother always plays the saint, and either ignores his tantrums, or tries to help him, whilst getting sworn at etc. This irritates me in a way, because she always appeases him, and all i want to do is to stand up to him. However, I have learned that its actually a lot easier to just hide until whatever he is fixing is working again, or whatever.
I just wanna know, how do men get like this? I don't suppose he was like this when my mum married him. We can have a joke with him occasionally.
Its just a blatant character disorder. His favorite phrase is 'this is what the problem is.' And it's always a different problem every time. It's never a problem with him, always something else. When he is cross I always say 'Dad, it's not fair that you take this out on me and mum like this.' and he always says 'yeah, well life's not fair.' or 'It's not fair that I cant find the right spanner to crank this nut up, either' Or something ridiculous.
Just now I said, 'Dad, do you mind keeping the noise down, because you will give mum a headache' and he said 'Yeah? Well I've got a headache.'
How can anyone be so blatantly cruel and unkind and not realise what effect they have on other people? And then when he has found his spanner, or wired his train or what the f*ck, just go back to normal without even really realising that he's upset everyone.
He is so selfish.
Apart from this, he is a lovely person, and I do feel quite mean posting this thread, because he can be quite generous.
But the rest of the time he's a bugger. He's hobbling around wearing a farmers-style cap, carrying this massive radio around with him, blaring out radio 4 because he doesn't like wearing ear phones, shouting, falling asleep in an arm chair and snoring, flicking channels on the TV even if your watching a programme, and trying to find a warrantee on a camera that is 30 years old and has finally packed up or explaining to me how a gear-box works whilst getting oil all over the carpet.
I don't really know the purpose of this thread. An insight into my family life I suppose. And my stereotypical old-man-father. But it would be interesting to hear anyones thoughts anyway.
Does anyone have any personality-morphing potions?
Quote:My dad has plenty of reasons to be an old git, he is over 60
and he's still breathing? amazing!
Guess what.
My mum started giving my dad S.t. Johns Wort tablets, whilst telling him that they're the cod liver oil that he normally takes, and we have noticed a significant improvement, it's a real relief.
The thing that surprises me about this thread is the fact that I had alway thought the Pentacle Queen was an sophisticated black lady who lived in a rather expensive townhouse and was familiar with the writings of Tocqueville.
Who is the real Pentacle Queen? .
Haha Gus!
I am very complemented that I was ever thought of as sophisticated.
I am a 19 year old girl currently at art school, going to london to music next year. I'm not black, and I have never heard of Tocqueville.
I called myself the pentacle queen because I'm vain I suppose....
Just stay away from Linkat...
The Pentacle Queen wrote:. . . and I have never heard of Tocqueville.
Alexis de Tocqueville was French civil servant during the "July" monarchy (1830) after the fall of Napoleon and the Bourbon kings who succeeded him. He is well-known to Americans for having written
Democracy in America, often considered the first work of sociology. Most Americans probably have not read
Democracy in America, or they might not be so fond of de Tocqueville, whose comments on the state of democracy in America were often less than flattering to the early republic.
He also wrote
La Révolution et l'ancien régime, which can be translated as
The Revolution and the Ancient Regime, which is misleading, because it actually means "The Revolution and the
Former Regime." It describes how the institutions of the monarchy which was overthrown in the French revolution had created the situation which lead to the revolution. It is a far more valuable work than
Democracy in America, and most Americans seem to have never heard of it.
Frankly, i rather doubt that Gus has read either book, but he thought it would sound cool to mention de Tocqueville in his post.
well pq you m and d sound just fine
bonkers maybe, but then we all are.
appreciate your dad for what he is, cantakerous old git maybe, but then...well you only have one dad.
and you about to fly the nest
Setanta wrote:
Frankly, i rather doubt that Gus has read either book, but he thought it would sound cool to mention de Tocqueville in his post.
Nyuk, nyuk. I didn't even know who the hell he was until you were so kind as to inform me. Us hillbillies generally read comic books and such.
I sure wish I was as smart as you.
<wipes drool from face and goes off to search for "Caspar's Great Adventure">
Thanks set, I googled him anyway.
Steve, i think that you're statement its true. I should appreciate my dad for who he is. He's very clever. He spends so much time the garage, making things. Last year he made a water fountain that lit up and danced to music, just because. Pointless, but still kinda cool. His grumpyness suits his personality, but at the same time it's hard to live with.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:I didn't even know who the hell he was until you were so kind as to inform me.
I'm not surprised. Nor am i surprised to see that you are content to demonize people as hillbillies.
I have a 19 year old daughter TPQ <grin>.
I am also a grumpy old git, just ask her.
Hmmm, but this ain't just grumpy because he won't let me stay out untill 5 in the morning or take drugs- he doesn't even know about me doing those things.
He is defintately more grumpy than the average. Or should say was more grumpy. I think the pills are definately turning him into 'average grumpy', hopefully maybe even only 'slightly grumpy' soon.
do us a favour pq and learn to spell definitely.
Quote:Hmmm, but this ain't just grumpy because he won't let me stay out untill 5 in the morning or take drugs- he doesn't even know about me doing those things.
Wanna bet on that?
Mothers know everything and what mother don't know fathers do.
Sorry steve, I know my spelling is not perfect.
definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely...........
dyslexia wrote:Quote:My dad has plenty of reasons to be an old git, he is over 60
and he's still breathing? amazing!
Well explain to me what age you feel is the one to stop having kids or trying? I have a few years under my belt, and have no children. Now should I give up the notion or keep trying? I am 40 by the way.
too old is when you project 20 years of child rearing into the future and realize you might be dead when they go to college
steve your snotty spelling comment makes me suspect that you also are an old curmudgeon (probably not spelled correctly either)