Sun 6 Jul, 2003 05:33 pm
I've started a photo album on littlek's MSN site with some photos I took during some of my vacations. If you have a request to see photos from my personal collection, you may request them here. If I have it, I"ll download it to this site. c.i.
Hey c.i., I used to but now alas without a camera I no longer take pictures. In addition I no longer take vacations or least have not in many years.
Joanne, nice to see you.
I take pictures all the time, including vacations.
Hiya c.i.
I take photos for the least of reasons - soooooooo, it goes for sure that I am an avid photobug! Looking forward to viewing your pix of the Galapagos and all....
take photos all the time - last holiday in May is on
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Hey Osso and all good to see you too.
Yes, I take a lot of pictures. Before my recent trip, I bought a new Canon G5 which I would thoroughly recommend.
If you're interested, you can see some of my photos at EDIT (Moderator) Link removed. Do not post your spam.
Good to meet you, altyfc!
I'm a well known photo-hog. snapsnapsnapsnap. I often take a couple of cameras on vacation with me - all the way from a disposable to an old 35 mm that i have to do all the thinking for to a new Sony digital.
Beware! I've got a camera and I'm not afraid to use it.
One of my favourite series of vacation photos was of a meal shared with a number of Abuzzers/A2K'ers last fall. I handed my camera around the table and asked everyone to take a picture from their perspective. The pix got sillier as the evening went on. Watch out for piffka - she can be verra verra silly :wink:
Hi ehBeth... thanks for the warning - I shall keep on my guard.
Great honeymoon pix! (i'm looking at day 4 now)
I take lots of pictures - you can see a number of them at the link below - right now all photos and albums with pictures are mine:
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I'm trying to come-up with policies and such and see about making it a real site.