Francis wrote:dlowan wrote:What in the name of Castor and Pollux is an adria?
If it seems a bit nebulous to you, I think Osso was referring to this:
Ferran Adria
El Bulli, eh? Hmmmmmm....thankee oh civilised one!
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:May I come in and have a glass of full bodied Shiraz? I promise to sit in the corner quietly and not ruin the ambience by speaking.... especially if you leave the bottle.... merry.....
margo wrote:I'll just have a spot of sherry, please.
We don't do Velveeta in this country, thank you.
I don't think Ferran Adria does cucumber sandwiches either - or, if he does, they wouldn't be recognised as the cucumber sandwiches we know and love. They'd be molecularised down to the very limit of existence.
I'll have another sherry please, as I sit here preparing my list. Planning to consult Osso, the guru later.
LOrd, another citizen of the world!!!! Dry or dryer? (Lawks, when did I last see the sherry!?)
Roberta wrote:Hmmmm. Seems like a civilized enough jernt. No thanks on the cucumber sandwich though. Got an egg cream? I could REALLY go for one of them.
Erm...that's, like, milk in a fizzy drink, right?
farmerman wrote:Quote:No Velveeta, well, thank goodness. Do you all think of us as brutes, me who is tied re Adria and his works?
Buncha food Nazis. "OOOH, look at me, Im too refined to eat velveeta on my cucumber sammich. SCuse me while I slice all the crusts off the bread and feed them to my partridges" Probly never ate a real hoagie either
If you wish to be ravished in every possible orifice with turnips operated by cranky hippoes, you're going the right way about it.
Now, eat your delicate sammies and enjoy them.