Heh, heh, heh.
Okay... So I was supposed to be ON the train at 4:55AM but I HAD to answer one more A2K question.

....so I got out FINALLY at 5:20AM. I cabbed it to the gym (the temperature was 17F with a ZERO windchill!!)
and I ran 3 miles on the frigging treadmill, then did some weight work.
I think I have figured out why I hate treadmills so much (the one I had this morning
kept shutting off, but that's not it.) I hate them because it is so easy to get off of them.
Let's say I start out thinking I want to run four miles on the treadmill, I set the angle, speed and time and get going... about twelve minutes in, bored silly by trying to figure out how someone like Soledad O'Brian gets to be a news anchor (has she ever done an indepth interview?) and tired of fiddling with the speed thingie, I start thinking that maybe three miles would be okay.
Now, if I start out to do four miles in the park, by the time I'm fifteen minutes from the start I'm TOO FAR away from anywhere to stop without having to do the distance all the way back....so it doesn't matter, I have to finish. Yeah, I know, the park is a circle so I could just cut a right and head to the nearest subway station or just grab a cab, but I never do. Maybe it's being out of doors.
Anyway, I'm bushed tonight. Resting until Friday when I shall do about four miles to prep for Sunday.
Joe(Night night)Nation