Huh Arthur?
Did you enjoy your trip to Californy?
Yes sir I did, but my feet hurt awful bad.
What's the matter, did ya walk?
No, I rid out in one of them devil wagons, that's an automobile you
know. I told that feller that were driving to slow down cause my feet
were a hurtin.
And what'd he say Luther?
He said "What's your feet hurtin' got to do with me going fast?"
And what'd you say Luther?
I said, "The floorboard fell out in Phoenix son, and I've been a runnin'
ever since."
- De Camptown Races
Spike Jones
The 3-mile mark, roughly equal to 5-k, will be around Bay Ridge. The next check in point will be around Red Hook. The 9-mile mark is around Clinton Hill. Most of that stretch will be along 4th Avenue in Brooklyn.
Location ..../.... Time ... ....... Pace Per Mile
5 km ............ 32.00 ........... 10.13
realjohnboy wrote:Location ..../.... Time ... ....... Pace Per Mile
5 km ............ 32.00 ........... 10.13
10 km .......... 105.02 ......... 10.27
Lookin' good. He's doing a reasonable pace now,
but I'll bet he went out just a bit faster than he wanted to. says it is 56 deg F in NYC under partly cloudy skies.
Ideal for distance-running!
15K is 9.3 miles.
Pace still looks good.
Distance .........Time ............... Pace Per Mile
5 km ............ 32.00 ........... 10.13
10 km .......... 105.02 ......... 10.27
15 km ......... 1:39:23 ....... 10.39
Here's that map again. It's a little hard to track the K, for me, squint, squint, but they're on there...
Passed Clinton Hill, going towards Williamsburg South...
Somewhere I read (maybe even here) that they followed lanes for the first eight miles and then the course spreads out.. (whadda I know, just repeating what I read).
]Distance .........Time ............... Pace Per Mile
5 km ............ 32.00 ........... 10.13
10 km .......... 105.02 ......... 10.27
15 km ......... 1:39:23 ....... 10.39
20 km ......... 2:16:30 ....... 10:59
George, is the pace per mile cumulative for the whole race?
Next stop is Long Island City and then across the Greensboro Bridge to Manhatten.
Yeah, John-Boy, I believe it is.
I hope Joe doesn't slow down too much more.
After a while, the total time out there becomes a factor.
Bear in mind that Joe's pace for his 20-mile training run was 11:42 or
thereabouts. I don't know whether he had started out relatively fast and
kept tapering off throughout on that run.
That looks to be at Greenpoint; now heading for the Queensboro Bridge..