McTag: such kind words. thanks. JN
So I almost died today, but I didn't.
Uh oh, now I spoiled the story, but only if you aren't paying attention. That could be the case.
Many years ago, I was on a double date with a couple who had just gotten married about a year before. Because one of us, I forget who, had been out of the country and hadn't seen
LOVE STORY, we rented it. We watched it over popcorn and pizza and beer. Very sad.
We all go to take the movie back on our way to get some ice cream.
Just as I am sliding the black rectangle down the chute, the new husband says "I can't believe she dies at the end." His lovely, and she was lovely, looks at him for a moment and then says "They tell you she is going to die at the beginning of the movie."
"No, they don't" he said, making that squinched 'what are you, stupid?" look.
I would relate the number of yes, they
dos and no,they
don'ts here, but it would take hours because that is how long they argued. Even with we, the other two, chiming in with "Yes, it's also the first line in the book. 'What can you say about a girl who dies?... ." Whatever.
Anyway, I had chocolate and coffee on a waffle cone with my companion while they drove back to the movie rental place. They aren't married anymore.
So this morning I got to the race, I got my number, I stretched some and then stretched some more, I watched other stretchers stretch and listened to a great band
Better Off Dead a band named for another movie and really, really good, rock out. Even in the cold, (47F) they had us all moving.
OH, and then 6000 or so of us did a lap of the park.
Now hear this: not even trying,-- not even paying attention as it were,-- no kidding, I was just putting my feet down and listening to my right leg, --------I set a new personal record for the five mile: 47:20. AND my right leg made no complaints, none.
Well, okay, a little yelp after the race, but it and me are going to be fine.
After the race all 6000 wet people lined up at three (count'em -- three) lines of tables for water bottles from our sponsor Poland Spring, apples and bagels. I got a piece of dry bagel stuck in the back of my mouth and for a terrifying sixteen seconds, could not get it out.
"Wow, I said, "I could have choked right here and missed the marathon."
But I didn't and I told you that right from the get-go.
Joe(Um... this is a reflection of my state of mind. Go about your lives now.)Nation