Well, I am officially an idiot.
Yesterday, the trains were not running from my local stop (181st) and they announced they would not be running this morning either.
Now I lay me down to sleep.
And apparently erase all memories of anything I was told on Saturday.
I breezed out of the apartment with just enough time for the A train to get me to the start on time......and THEN remembered --no A Trains.
So I ended
running, first to the Number One train station, it's about 3/4 of a mile, and then running about another mile from 59th Street to the start of the Japan Day Four Mile.(The Number One goes local the whole frigging way to 59th Street so I got there with just minutes to spare.)
It really turned out to be a good warm-up for the run. I missed a personal record (again) by five seconds, but I did improve my time from April.
37:22 thats a 9:20 pace and well within my goals.
For those who do not know how they keep track of everybody: everybody gets a chip for their shoe. You tie it on with these little plastic zipties.
Then at the end everybody lines at these chip lines to have a volunteer cut it off. Hooray for the Volunteers!!!!
There's a computer connected pad at the start and the finish of every race that reads everyone's chips. That way you are only timed for the time you are actually on the course. (This morning it took almost four and half minutes for me to get to the starting line. Adding that time on would suck.)
After the race I trotted, I did not run, I moseyed, I jingle jangle jingled up and around the course again and then headed over to the trains.
Just before getting home I saw some folks enjoying their sport.

There were about a thousand bikes. Really. It took a good ten minutes for them all to pass.
Down deep, for just a second, something in my brain said " Why didn't you pick THAT sport, you dumbass"
Joe("um. I like self-locomotion?" "Yeah, well you got the loco right.")Nation