Uh. Yeah. The race. Well, coach, see it was like this, they first told me, the ones who were taking me to the game, that it was an
afternoon game, so I knew I wouldn't have any trouble running four miles at 8:30 in the morning and then going to an afternoon game, but then see, they changed it, not the race and not the game but when we would be going because they wanted to take us (me and my sweetie) to the clubhouse for brunch and at first that was going to be at eleven, still no problemo, but then they said they wanted to leave at
ten fifteen to beat the traffic.
(I counted minutes... start race at eight 30 sharp, run like hell {okay, 37 minutes flat} go get bag and bagel (ten minutes), run to subway station at 79th street (eight minutes) Take subway home (27 minutes) Arrive home in time to shower, put gel in hair {shut up, it's my only affectation!}, jump into jeans and Red [for Boston] sweatshirt and take the elevator down to meet them in the lobby at 10:15am.)
I had a vision of me falling asleep during the fourth inning.
And I didn't want to do that.
So I booted the race, coach. I didn't go.
I DID do three miles tonight with an extra hardy push during the middle mile during which I completely depressed a much younger guy by passing and repassing him three times.
Joe (and they made me stay up last night playing Scrabble)Nation