Spring busted a gut this Sunday morning and the sunbathers were out in the Sheep Meadow at 9:ooAM as I crossed over to the start of the Four Mile Run for the Parks. (The money raised goes, pretty much, right back into beautifying all the parks of New York City so the runners are running for their own benefit as well as those of the other locals.)
Did I say runners?
I meant to say
Mob of Runners.
Nearly 7000 in the Four Mile and another five or so thousand of kids and their parents. The kids raced before us and they were very cute. Three year olds wearing numbers being chased by their dads. It's tough going from the wide open space of the Sheep Meadow to this:
But here are the people in front of me.

And here are the people behind me.

I was lucky enough to spot a guy I've run with before, although he doesn't know it. He wears a shirt that says he is training for next weeks half marathon in New Jersey and I have found if I can stay up with him I get a pretty good time.
I was worried about this race. I got a twinge in my right knee yesterday morning on a downhill and it didn't seem to be much better early this morning, but I stretched and massaged and ran about a mile and half to warm up and during the race I didn't feel a thing.
37:53 about a 9:30 pace. Missed a personal record by thirty seconds. I'll have another chance next week at the same distance.
Walking across the Sheep Meadow to go home .
Joe(so serene)Nation