Vivien wrote:InfraBlue wrote:Vivien wrote:I'm not up on the branches of man but cro-magnon man is supposed to have died out when our ancestors moved in and proved more flexible. Yes cro magnon did have much larger brains but heavier brows, an upright stance and stockier - well according to all the data in the museums in the area anyway.
You're confusing Cro Magnon man with Neanderthal man. Cro Magnon is more a designation of the culture of man from the Upper Paleolithic period, about 40,000 to 10,000 years ago and ranging from Western Europe to--it has been more recently discovered--the Middle East.
no I'm not

Cro Magnon man was in the area of the Dordogne where I visited several times and saw the various caves with paintings - lots of museums and stuff, particularly at Les Eysies but the write ups etc said they are thought to have died out. They weren't nomadic and when conditions changed (ice age) they couldn't cope - at least that was the theory put forward.
'Discovered by workmen in 1868 at Cro-Magnon, in the village of Les Eyzies in France. The estimated age of the site is 30,000 years. The site yielded 5 skeletons (3 adult males, an adult female, and a child) which had been buried there, along with stone tools, carved reindeer antlers, ivory pendants, and shells. The Cro-Magnons lived in Europe between 35,000 and 10,000 years ago. They are virtually identical to modern man, being tall and muscular and slightly more robust on average than most modern humans. They were skilled hunters, toolmakers and artists famous for the cave art at places such as Lascaux, Chauvet, and Altamira. '
'virtually' identical but taller and more muscular
Doing a search on what you quoted, I found the rest of the entry
If Cro-Magnons were modern humans, does that mean that modern humans are Cro-Magnons? Not really. Logically, many modern humans should be, since
most modern Europeans are probably descended from them(emphasis mine). But
the term has no taxonomic significance and usually just refers to Europeans in a certain time range, even though other modern humans were living throughout much of the world at the same time. To quote the Oxford Companion to Archaeology:
Cro-magnons are, in informal usage, a group among the late Ice Age peoples of Europe. The Cro-Magnons are identified with Homo sapiens sapiens of modern form, in the time range ca. 35,000-10000 b.p. ...
The term 'Cro-Magnon' has no formal taxonomic status, since it refers neither to a species or subspecies nor to an archaeological phase or culture. The name is not commonly encountered in modern professional literature in English, since authors prefer to talk more generally of anatomically modern humans. They thus avoid a certain ambiguity in the label 'Cro-Magnon', which is sometimes used to refer to all early moderns in Europe (as opposed to the preceding Neanderthals), and sometimes to refer to a specific human group that can be distinguished from other Upper Paleolithic humans in the region. Nevertheless, the term 'Cro-Magnon' is still very commonly used in popular texts because it makes an obvious distinction with the Neanderthals, and also refers directly to people rather than to the complicated succession of archaeological phases that make up the Upper Paleolithic. This evident practical value has prevented archaeologists and human paleontologists - especially in continental Europe - from dispensing entirely with the idea of Cro-Magnons.
The physiological differences between "modern man" and Cro-Magnon, i.e. "slightly more robust," are probably more gene pool differences that we see nowadays between peoples from different parts of the world.
The possibility that Cro-Magnon man is an ancestor of Modern Europeans belies your contention that "cro-magnon man is supposed to have died out when our ancestors moved in and proved more flexible." That supposition refers to some of the theories on the Neanderthal, and their disappearance in the face of
homo sapiens sapiens'--which includes the Cro Mangon--arrival.