Mon 5 Feb, 2007 08:03 pm
I haven't painted since just before a one person show (of new stuff), that just before 4X eye surgery. OK, one little painting for the local museum in 2005. In that last new work show (not the later bit) work was, ahhhh, lesser. I had trouble finishing in time, and I varnished too fast, and the brush strokes blurred. I still like the basis of those paintings but they were disappointing.
For varied - let me count the ways - reasons, I've meant well but not started actually painting again, until today.
It might take me five or six paintings to get my feet wet, but I'll try to keep a photo diary. I used to do that with my stuff in the seventies for much the same reason, looking for Where To Stop and/or What To Fix When.
I don't expect approbation - this is more a way for me to stop sluffing off.
This is on a 2 x 3 foot canvas, one up from the very most cheapo from Michaels' (says she who used to build her own or have them built), using as a trigger a photo Roger sent me - I got him to send me winter time prints from a roll he shot in the park he bicycles through in Farmington, New Mexico.
(I don't have many New Mexico or other southwest photos yet, and don't want to trigger from Google.) I still don't have a scanner hooked up. If I end up liking the painting at all, maybe Walgreen's can put the original photo on a disc.)
Sometimes my paintings look something like the photos, and sometimes one could never guess. We'll see.
First coat, whole canvas - bit of Indigo blue/Windsor and more Titanium White/Gamblin with 10% Galkyd Lite/90% Gamsol as medium. Open window (though Gamblin is a eco sensitive company; I know Robert - to explain, we showed his own work at our gallery)...
On the order - I have some small canvasses, and suppose I should start with those to RE-LEARN CHEAPLY - but I am more immediately comfortable with bigger ones. 2 x 3 feet is actually small to me.
Dys and Diane have a scanner, I think, and they're close by.
I am pleased beyond words that you have taken up the brush again, osso.
That must be one big scanner to handle a 2' X 3' canvas.
Anyway, glad you're back at it.
You make me cry, you brute!
(but nicely)
Gus the brute...
Roger, can you get that roll on a disc? WG tends not to want to do that, have a tendency to refuse, but they've done it before for me. Anyway, I'd pay for it.
Thinking, I should just take a photo of the photo...
From the negatives? I'll ask. They were sure ready to do both when I took the film in. I deal with Walgreens, too, so I'll have to let you know.
It's the one with all the ducks in the river and the blond-ish plant material.
I've probably cropped it, I cropped most of them for my own compositional reasons, but that blond bit is still to the right.
Okay, I'll get it in tomorrow. Will I need to specify a format, like jpg, or something, or will they just do it right?
On Walgreen's reluctance, to be fair to them, it is after the fact they are not all so charmed to do a disc from the negative snippets - not at the beginning.
And on calling Gus a brute, that was teasing only. I'll be even madder at him if he goes through ABQ again and doesn't meet up with us wolfholers.
Roger, they just do it right. The deal is to get them to do it, once the negs are parcelled out. Blink winningly...
Oof, I meant to say no, they don't care about jpeg and all that mishugas.
I understood. You've never seen me look down shyly and bat my eyelashes, have you? I better hold off on that till I see who's behind the counter
So here's Roger's photo of the river.. or perhaps my edit of it (I'm easily confused. I cropped a bunch.)
how could I paint that? we'll see. Tis a tad more technical than my manner, I may just have to give that up to start with...
so far, I've got the first coat of some white and blue clinging to the cheapo canvas. (Titanium white and Indigo). The painting will probably never have a duck on it. I'm famous to myself for never painting sheep...
It's good to see that you're painting again, osso. I hope you'll post an image of it at some point. Actually, I'd love to see it in various stages of development.
oh I'm looking forward to this
Osso painting again
Go Osso! Can't wait to see what you come up with.
The lazy bum says, "me either"....