Thu 25 Jan, 2007 11:59 am
I watched previous seasons it this show was pretty good or at least entertaining. This season bites. No George, no Carolyn - I didn't realize how much more credibility they added. Now Trump has his two snot-nosed kids on the show. They are horrible.
The show has now become a pathetic attempt at being survivor-like. The losing team sleeps in tents outside with makeshift showers and stuff. And they complain about the accommodations. Come on - it is an upscale campsite. There are few interesting or even somewhat smart individuals on it. And one reward was to visit the playboy mansion. I mean this may be many men's fantasy but supposedly this is supposed to be a business reward - can you say sexual harassment. The ironic thing was this team was mostly made up of women and one of the few men was gay.
Personally, I'm Trumped out. I just cannot stand looking at that pouty puss of his. I haven't seen any of the recent episodes and have no interest in tuning in. The fact that he fired Carolyn and replaced her with his arrogant offspring makes it even more likely I'll keep my TV Trump free.
The pitiful thing is that the Donald makes up and believes his own hype. Hes really a pathetic rich dude. My guess is that he has a really tiny dick.
On one show - the contestants were supposed to help develop bathing suits. One team has this guy's bathing suit that was pink and tight. This well built gay member of the team modeled it.
Trump's comment was that only a few people could wear a suit like (besides the color of course). Trump said even though I have a good enough body to wear this suit, I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to see that horrid body in any sort of suit forget about a skimpy one.
When he made that comment, I rolled my eyes. I just can't see him in that.
I actually thought it got less interesting after the first season. I made several attempts to get 'into' it too. I'm watching this season b/c i'm completely bored.
I definitely cringe every time I have to watch those pouty lips move. His kids get to me too.
The show has definitely jumped the shark.
"Beauty and the Geek" is much more interesting.
Greatest TV show of the age is "Mythbusters". They like to blow **** up real good.
We love Mythbusters!!! (All three of us.)
(Just asked sozlet what she liked best about it. She considered and said, "probably the explosions.")
Sometimes they do go overboard. Like when they blew this cement truck totally off the map, just to see whether TNT could loosen up the hardened plug of cement that was stuck in the mixer. They were like a mile awy when that truck just disappeared.
The girl who got booted tonight would not SHUT UP! I hate people who can't get when people are starting to get annoyed, so they continue to do the very thing that upsets everyone (talking over everyone in boardroom).
Other than that, this episode was slow. I was an idiot and thought the romance they hyped up in the preview would make the show good.
But notice they got rid of the snot-nosed brats - Trump must be reading A2K.
One other thing who gets the 99 cents they keep advertising to vote on who goes to tent city? I wouldn't doubt if it was a money making thought by Trump. Give some low life $10,000 while he pulls in over $100,000 on text messaging.
I gave up on the show after last season, when a few realizations set in. I really only watched a few rounds of these shows.
A) The show is not really a contest or game. Each episode has only a few minutes of how each team actually goes about doing what they do-the rest of it is the big confrontation with The Donald.
B) As they have more of these, it becomes obvious that the idea is to get people to crawl in front of Trump, instead of winning on merit. The first episode of this series, even though the losing project leader was from New York and I normally would cheer for him, he just begged and begged Trump not to fire him. Disgusting.
C) The show hit it's high point with Randall and has been in decline since. Despite the odd ending to the Randall series, fact is that he was the most dominant player I have ever seen on the show-everyone loved him and wanted him on their side. The next winner, Sean, by comparison really did not stick out from a mediocre crowd all that much. After Randall, it's been all downhill.
D) I keep asking myself-why are you willingly subjecting yourself to watching Donald Trump? When I first started watching the show, I knew Trump to have an ego but I also figured he would give us a glance into a certain world-that he would show some class. Class is as far away from Trump as it gets-he keeps trying to impress everyone with his toughness. Hey, it's easy to seem tough when everyone around you is on your payroll. the whole show comes down to a bunch of young people in their twenties and thirties getting verbally abused and berated by an old s.o.b. in his sixties.