If you can be disturbed, then you don't know Zen.
Austin, where cockroaches scare cats.
Austin, where nothing is North, South, East, or West.
Austin, where people fed up with Houston traffic move so that they can screw up our freeways.
Austin, where we pay to build roads, then pay to drive on them.
Austin, a blue-state town with red-state prices.
Austin... we're better than Lubbock.
Austin, where there are no natives.
Austin, come watch the bats and get pooped on.
Austin, where more people speak English than they do in San Antonio.
Austin, we're craptastic.
Yo, folks, one of my favorite peeps, Shewolf...
you there honey chile?
Quote:oh strawberry, if you come to Austin, you MUST meet Leslie. Ask anyone downtown, everyone knows Leslie. If you're nice, and lucky, you may even get a picture to take home and frame.
I'm intigued.....tell me more.
Austin, where granola and Birkenstocks can be seen in the honkytonks.
Austin, where you know it's Spring when Leslie wears silver lame.