Frank Apisa wrote:I should have been a favorite tourism spot right along...and would have been if we hadn't acted like a bunch of children in our dealings with Castro.
Please be clearer. Are you suggesting the United States should have ended all sanctions against Cuba? If so when? Should we do the same with North Korea? At what point do you advocate not assisting dictators who hold their position by standing on the necks of their citizenry?
At what point does the sovereignty of people outweigh the sovereignty of their oppressors?
It's no secret that the man with the biggest gun rules. Shouldn't that man, invariably, be the elected representative of the people? Don't people have an inherent right to self-determination
and in every instance they do not, are they not, in fact, victims of oppression?
Now I'm no fan of sanctions myself; I believe in far more direct measures. Millions have died in the last couple decades from supposedly "peaceful" sanctions
but to what effect? Has Castro himself suffered? How about Kim Jong Il? Did Saddam suffer from our sanctions in the 90's? No, no and no. Instead; we
peacefully caused the death of millions of poor people. Does anyone think the Mullahs or Ahmadinejad are likely to suffer from sanctions against Iran?
So what do we do? Do we turn the blind eye to the plight of the half the planet's inhabitants? Has that ever deterred a would-be conqueror? Do we become isolationists, build a Great Wall, let the world go to hell, and hope they don't come knocking on our door?
Or is it time for a leader who has the courage to admit our sins of the past, and endeavor to correct the problems that face us all? Imagine an American President with the courage to list our every debacle in a massive apology to the citizens of the world
followed by a proclamation to assist all in attaining the freedom of self determination that is, in a just world, every person's birth right. Could this buy us the credibility we need? I'd like to think so. But; what good is an apology if we continue to turn the blind eye to tyranny?
The M.A.D factor of mutually assured destruction prevented us from directly opposing our archenemies, the Soviet Union. Sadly, instead of finding a way to impress the importance of resistance to the evils of totalitarian governance; we chose to indirectly fight it by proxy by going to bed with regimes that were every bit as oppressive, just not as powerful. Now we're suffering the blowback. Considering the stakes in the cold war against the Soviets; I can not definitively say our actions weren't necessary. World domination was clearly the goal of the Soviets and who could know if our resistance by proxy isn't indeed what destroyed them? I would agree the Soviet model was subject to self-destruction from the onset; but would that have happened prior to attaining their goals? How much before?
So in retrospect; we can see that we didn't so much succeed in ending the threat of global oppression, but rather fragmented it. Some former Soviet and U.S. clients have recognized the futility in totalitarian ways, while others have simply found alternate oppressors to fill the void. Should we wait until another would be World Conqueror attains the potential to attempt the conquest? Do we believe we could survive another Cold War? Do we want to try?
Or is it time to take advantage of the fact that the world is currently without a capable would-be World Conqueror, ourselves notwithstanding? Would it not be in our own best interest to free the victims of oppression everywhere, before another such monstrosity develops? Or do we wait for the next would-be Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Tamerlane, Lenin, or Hitler to write his way into history in an ocean of blood? In today's world of high tech WMD, where millions could be exterminated in the blink of an eye, can we afford to wait for the next epic battle of wills?
The United States of America, for all its imperfections, is still at heart; a Representative Democracy. Collectively we are a people who believe in the right of self determination above and beyond all. Agreed? Successful export of such values, whether by force, by education or anything in between can only serve to benefit humankind. It matters little whether a country develops into a Representative Democracy like our own, a Constitutional Monarchy or any similar entity; the effects of popular sovereignty remain the same. He with a decent shot at a decent lot in life; is unlikely to neither strap a bomb to his chest nor gain the popularity to convince other like-attributed citizens to choose a conquest towards elimination of their own basic human rights. The success of Free Nations in relation to those of Totalitarian Governance by this point has to be considered beyond dispute.
Not only do our fellow humans deserve to enjoy their own natural right to self determination; the salvation of our species may well depend on our successful evolution towards this ideal. IMHO, the United States is in a unique position to accelerate this evolution and by virtue of its ability has a responsibility to do so
not only for our own sake; but also for the sake of the balance of humankind.