ebrown_p wrote:Madam,
The Liberals want to ban torture, avoid violence and seek a diplomatic solution to conflicts.
We believe in human rights for all, want a strict separation between religion and a secular government. We are opposed to torture and want all sides cooperation with the international community. We only want war when all other options have been exhausted..
We are upset when people, especially civilians and children, die. We certainly don't celebrate death (like when helicopters fire rockets in a civilian area). We question when civilians are killed.
Do you really think this describes the "terrorists"?
1. Then help with getting rid of those bastards that have tortured men, women, & children in the name of
2. Start by applying your cry for human rights in Cuba & not just Guantanamo, where, BTW, no torture has been proven.
3. Keep up with the anti-American rhetoric, slapping our military & their C-n-C around, & I'll guarantee that you will have NO seperation of church & state, in fact, your wife will be wearing a burka.
4, Some of the international community are with us in Iraq & Afghanistan, you must've missed that. For the ones that oppose us, like Venezuela, Cuba, pi$$y countries like that, pfffft. Cindy Sheehan has their ear.
5.I have a problem when 747s fully fuel loaded are flown into buildings full of civillians, children included & somehow Bush & conservatives are blamed.
"A real patriot can not wish failure for our president"
Dallas Morninf News
Think about that & don't deny that liberals don't wish failure on this president.