Sun 29 Jun, 2003 03:47 pm
June 29, 2003 - Nearly two years after 9/11, the United States is drastically underfunding local emergency responders and remains dangerously unprepared to handle a catastrophic attack on American soil, particularly one involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-impact conventional weapons. If the nation does not take immediate steps to better identify and address the urgent needs of emergency responders, the next terrorist incident could be even more devastating than 9/11.
These are the central findings of the Council-sponsored Independent Task Force on Emergency Responders, a blue-ribbon panel of Nobel laureates, U.S. military leaders, former high-level government officials, and other senior experts, led by former Senator Warren B. Rudman and advised by former White House terrorism and cyber-security chief Richard A. Clarke. This report marks the first time that data from emergency responder communities has been brought together to estimate national needs...
The administration had to make a decision to either spend the money to fund local emergency responders or tax cuts for the wealthy. Guess where the money went?
Unfortunately it will take another catastrophe to get this administration to address the problem?
Actually, it was a choice between freeing the Iraqi people from Saddam or our security. This president and administration opted for the former. c.i.
former Sen Gary Hart has been pointing this out (including to the congress and Bush admin) for the past 4 yrs......
Rudman's always been a good fellow, as far as I know. But it's interesting that Clarke, such a short time ago one of the "chosen," is so critical of his bosses.