David Broder quoted a Wellstone campaign volunteer who says that "People say there are no political heroes left in the world, but we know better. We had one here."
Star Tribune columnist Doug Grow wrote that "On election days, Paul Wellstone would board his green bus and the ugliness and the cynicism of modern politics would vanish."
Wellstone "was a special treasure," wrote Joshua Micah Marshall, "a sort of genuinely progressive, utterly engaged and sincere politician who somehow captured what was essential in the aspirations of his party, even if he supported policies that others didn't."
"Wellstone was willing to be the "1" in a 99-1 vote," wrote Geo. Parish, "and that's why people mourn him so."
Mickey Kaus wrote that he "lacked the qualities that make a successful modern U.S. Senator: he wasn't a poser, a trimmer, a schemer, a dissembler, a self-aggrandizing egomaniac or a vicious infighter. He wasn't an a--hole."
Those who disagreed with Wellstone often called him "the last liberal in America," and "maybe he was," wrote Pioneer Press columnist Nick Coleman. "They meant it as an insult but he wore it as a badge of honor. Whatever his detractors said of Paul Wellstone, he had a heart that was bigger and braver than anyone else in Washington."
"He wasn't supposed to have left like this," wrote one of his detractors, a conservative radio talk show host. "And you know it wasn't supposed to be like this or else a guy who didn't agree with him on anything wouldn't have felt such a grip in the throat."
In appreciation of Senator "Softie," the Washington Post's Mark Leibovich called Wellstone "one of the great agonizers in American politics," who "always seemed to relish the time he spent in gray areas."
Minnesota writer Bill Holm tells of speaking with Wellstone in 1998, just before Jesse Ventura became governor: "How curious, I told Paul, that the two most interesting politicians in Minnesota at the moment should both be wrestlers. He replied with a wry smile: 'But I'm a real one.'"
"There are some persistent myths about Wellstone that should be corrected before they are set in our collective eulogy," wrote Pioneer Press columnist Laura Billings. "The first, that he was an 'extremist' representing 'the far left wing' of the Democratic party, two phrases repeated like a mantra by opponents in his most recent campaign. Look at the people who wept for him... battered women, immigrants, military veterans, young families, gays and lesbians, family farmers and every other underdog group. Then look at the people who won't -- that race-baiting talk radio demagogue who recently wished Wellstone would 'drop dead.' It wasn't Wellstone who was the extremist."
"Senators ain't sissies," writes Peggy Noonan. "They can be one cold crew. But Wellstone touched them in a way that was special."
Sen. Tom Harkin said that "Paul Wellstone was my closest friend in the Senate. He was the most principled public servant I've ever known."
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