Avocado-liking and mango-liking go hand in hand, I think. Very similar texture when ripe. Mangoes a bit smoother yet.
Thinkzinc, I've had some fibrous ones too -- yuck. Not my thing. I just got some little ugly ones that are just fabulous once you open them up. I usually get about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inches per mango cheek (the side you slice off before gridding it up) on a big one before hitting fiber, and I got 1/2 inch off of these little ones since they had hardly any fiber, even though they were so much smaller.
I hope Gautam finds this -- he's talked before about mangoes and how to properly enjoy them.
Hey there, TZ!
sozobe ~ nope, the texture of custard doesn't bother me ~ have been eating that since I was a wee one.
Of the three different times I've tried mango, it was super smooth, smooth with a bit of grain to it or very hard ~ and I wasn't crazy about the taste of each one.
Which makes me think that I've not been exposed to 'true' mango. Because I love kiwi ~ even with the skin. I love all types of melons. I just need someone to show me the right type of mango, I think. For those of you who are familiar with my friend, Chef Jon.....I think I will have to drag him to the grocery store for a lesson.
I promise, I'll do it! I hate missing out on lovely things to eat!
Oh goody! A possible mango convert!
I wonder if the first one was overripe? If so, I think you may well love one that is ripe enough to be smooth but not so ripe that the flavor changes. Grab that Chef Jon and find out!
Jon and I are supposed to go fishing this week ~ I will take him on a detour to the grocery store. Will let you know.
Having a chef friend sounds very useful! Good luck, Rae!
Lol! Sounds like you will have a lot of fun on the search to the perfect mango
I just want to taste mango in its best form.
I swear.
That's all.
msolga - telling me a food is messy is NOT a selling point. One of the reasons I particularly like cherries is that they're so tidy. Hold the stem, pop in the cherry, pop out the pit. Best eaten outdoors, of course.
Lol! Well, let us know how you get on with Jon, I mean mangoes...
We want a full report
I'm with you, ehbeth! Messy is alright sometimes ~ with barbqued ribs, for instance......fruit just doesn't play into this picture for me!
Do the mango cheek thing. (Second pic in original post.) Tidy as can be!
OK, OK, I'll stop proselytizing.
Oh this reminds me though Trader Joe's has this new thing I haven't seen before -- long-stem strawberries. Wonderful!! The sozlet calls them strawberry popsicles. Nice sturdy stems, about 3 inches long, hold 'em by that and nibble away.
I don't care for mangoes, per se, but mango BBQ sauce slathered over pork or beef ribs, that's another story. Yum, yum!
they just ran right over the Perfect Tofu, huh C.I.??
Well--- maybe it's cos they just don't KNOW.
Tofu's lovely but it's an end product is what I was getting at. You can pick soybeans (or mangos or strawberries...) off the vine, but not tofu.
I do like it, though.
still the best when you can find the slightly tart, smallish ones or the pale, translucent yellow ones
Oh, yummy!! A neighbor had a cherry tree when I was growing up and I've never had cherries so delicious since.